2018. VII. 18. Magyarország kilép az ENSZ globális migrációs csomag elfogadási folyamatából - jelentette be Szijjártó külgazdasági és külügyminiszter. Magyarország nem tartja magára nézve irányadónak azokat a célokat és elveket, amelyeket ez a csomag kinyilvánít, továbbá nem vesz részt az ENSZ-tagállamok állam- és kormányfőinek decemberi marrákes-i csúcstalálkozóján, és ha végül az ENSZ közgyűlése határoz a dokumentumról, akkor Magyarország nemmel fog szavazni. (Forrás: MagyarHírlap)
16 July 2018 Some of Trump's remarks: 'We discussed nuclear proliferation. After today I am sure we and they want to end that problem.' 'We also discussed the scourge of radical Islamic terrorism that Russia and the United States have suffered. 'We will maintain open communication between our security agencies to fight this global menace.' 'We also discussed at length the crisis in Syria. Co-operation between our countries has the potential to save hundreds of thousands of lives. '(I) made clear we will not allow Iran to benefit from our successful campaign against isis.' 'Our national security councils will meet to follow up all the agreements we made today. We have made the first steps towards a brighter future, grounded on cooperation and peace. 'President (Putin) I want to thank you for advancing open dialogue between Russia and the United States ... for the greater good of all. 'This was a very constructive day, the few hours we spent today. It is in the interest of both our countries to continue this conversation and we will meet again in the future.' Some of Putin' remarks: As far as Syria is concerned the task of establishing peace and reconciliation in this country could be the first showcase example of successful joint work.' 'The United States could convince the Ukrainian leadership to fulfil the Minsk (peace) accords.' 'We have everything necessary for efficient cooperation on Syria.' 'We as the largest gas state - and the United States is also such a country - could have worked on regulating the global market. We are not interested in prices dropping to low levels as producers could get hurt. We are also not interested in excessively high prices.' 'Concerning Nord Stream 2 I have reassured Trump that Russia is ready to preserve (gas) transit via Ukraine. We are ready to extend the contract that expires in 2019 if the dispute in Stockholm (court) is solved. 'No one should trust anyone. He (Trump) is defending U.S. interests, I am defending interests of the Russian Federation. We have matching interests, we are looking for common points.' Source: DailyMail)
Monday, 16 July 2018 Trump arrived in Helsinki, Finland, yesterday ready for his 'one-on-one' meeting with Putin today. The meeting went ahead despite an ongoing FBI probe in America into alleged Russian interference in the US election. Investigator Mueller's team indicted 12 Russian spies on Friday, accusing them of a "sustained effort" to hack the Democrats in 2016. Putin - notorious for keeping people waiting - arrived in Helsinki this morning almost an hour late for the meeting with Trump. The pair then posed for photographs together and gave brief comments to waiting media before an extremely tense-looking handshake. Trump and Putin then spoke one-on-one for around two hours, after which they told assembled media the summit was "successful" and declared they will work together more closely. Trump was asked how it went and replied: "I think it's a good start. A very, very good start for everybody". When questioned by reporters, Putin flat-out denied interfering in the US elections, while Trump said he doesn't "see any reason why" Russia would meddle. The US President then deflected further questioning about the meddling by referring to FBI servers and Clinton's emails. Putin, looking noticeably happier than earlier in the day, said: "Negotiations with Trump took place in an open and constructive atmosphere, I find them rather successful and useful". "It is obvious to everyone that international relations live through a difficult period. The Cold War has ended a long time ago, the situation in the world has drastically changed. Russia and the United States are now facing totally different challenges." He added the meeting marked the first steps to restore "an acceptable level of trust and go back to previous level of interaction on all mutual interest issues". "As far as Syria is concerned the task of establishing peace and reconciliation in this country could be the first showcase example of successful joint work." "The world want to see us getting along, we have 90 per cent of the nuclear, this is not a good thing, it’s a bad thing. It’s a negative force. We’ll be talking about that." (Source: TheSun)
16 July 2018 Trump meets Putin in Finland, buried under a thick layer of perma-frost, their body language reveal. Both men arrived performing the kind of alpha posturing you normally see in a boxing ring, swaggering with puffed chests and in Trump's case a mouth clamp plus what was bordering on a scowl to camera as both pulled at their jackets in what is commonly a 'prepare to fight' ritual. They looked more like a sullen, divorcing couple at crisis counseling. Putin was maintaining a poker face even after Trump's 'soccer' flattery was being translated for him. (Source: Express)
2018. VII. 11. Johannis román államfő egy hónapos halogatás után eleget tett annak az alkotmánybírósági határozatnak, amely Kövesi DNA-főügyész felmentésére kötelezte. Kövesi öt évig állt a DNA élén. Mandátuma idején a DNA vádiratai alapján kilenc minisztert, 21 parlamenti képviselőt, hat szenátort és egy EP-képviselőt ítéltek el jogerősen korrupcióért Romániában. (Forrás: Híradó)
18 Jul 2018 At least 11 wildfires are raging inside the Arctic Circle as the hot, dry summer turns an abnormally wide area of Europe into a tinderbox. The worst affected country is Sweden. The Copernicus Earth observation programme, which gives daily updates of fires in Europe, shows more than 60 fires burning across Sweden, with sites also ablaze in Norway, Finland and Russia, including in the Arctic Circle. There have been huge fires in the past in Sweden, but not over such a wide area. This appears to be a trend as more and bigger blazes are reported in other far northern regions like Greenland, Alaska, Siberia and Canada. (Source: TheGuardian)
2018. VII. 18. Saját kérésére és lejáró mandátuma miatt távozik Budapestről és a diplomáciából Kácer szlovák nagykövet, a Globsec nemzetközi biztonságpolitikai agytröszt alapítója, a Szlovák Atlanti Bizottság elnöke. A Denník N szlovák portálnak adott interjújában mondta el véleményét Magyarországról és a magyar kormányról. Kácer szerint az üzlet és a politika kapcsolata Magyarországon igen sajátos, mivel Orbán centralizálta az üzleti szférát; ő dönti el, kiből lehet oligarcha, kiből nem. A következő további megjegyzéseket tette: a V4-es politikusok túlbecsülik a régió gazdasági erejét, mivel az unió GDP-jének nem több mint 6 százalékát teszik csak ki a Visegrádi Országok gazdaságai. A magyar gazdaság sem akkora sikertörténet, ha figyelembe vesszük, hogy alig egy százalékkal sikerült csak megközelíteni az uniós átlagot a csatlakozás óta. Nem mítosz Orbán orosz kötődése, és sokban hasonlít is Putyinhoz, de ő maga és az országa is közelebb áll Brüsszelhez, mint Moszkvához. A V4-ekben egyáltalán nincs meg az az erkölcsi felsőbbrendűség, amivel – mint azt sugallni szeretik – képesek "megmenteni Európát az erkölcsi hanyatlástól". Egyébként is érdemes lenne tudatosítani, hogy az Európai Unió pontosan azokon az értékeken alapul, melyeken Magyarország, Csehország, Szlovákia és Ausztria ezer éve osztozik. A Soros elleni kampányt szemfényvesztésnek tartja: 'A nemzetközi politikában szerzett több évnyi tapasztalatom alapján kijelenthetem, ha valaki azt hiszi, hogy egy 90 éves nagypapának - még ha gazdag is - bármilyen ördögi terve van a világ leigázására, az inkább pszichiátriai látlelet, mint sem valami, aminek köze lenne a valósághoz.' (Forrás: Index)
European Union
July 18, 2018 Regulators hit the Alphabet unit Google with a $5 billion fine for abusing the dominance of its Android mobile operating system - by far the most popular smartphone OS in the world. The EU says Google pushed device makers to bundle Google apps like the Chrome web browser and Gmail, which harms competition. The European Commission, the EU's executive body, threatened additional fines if Google didn't put an end to illegal conduct within 90 days. "This is protecting European consumers," EU Competition Commissioner Vestager said. “This is our mission, these are our very basic values.” (Source: CNBC)
18 July 2018 Hungary's Orbán set for controversial visit to Israel as he and his counterpart Netanyahu find common cause in their right-wing views. Netanyahu seeks closer ties with European nations willing to provide strong backing to Israel. He and Orbán also both strongly support US President Trump. A year ago, Netanyahu made the first trip to Budapest by an Israeli prime minister since the fall of communism in 1989, thanking Orbán for "standing up for Israel in international forums". Netanyahu has extended his praise to all of the so-called Visegrád group. Orbán will tour the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial tomorrow afternoon and visit the Western Wall in Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem on Friday before leaving. In a break with protocol for EU leaders who usually meet Palestinian president Abbas in Ramallah during such visits, he has no scheduled talks with Palestinian leaders. Many in Hungary's 100,000-strong Jewish population -- one of Europe's largest -- have accused Orbán of encouraging anti-Semitism. A government poster campaign last year, attacking Soros for his alleged support of mass immigration, drew heavy criticism. Netanyahu has also criticised Soros for backing human rights groups critical of the Israeli government. Orbán's praise of wartime leader and Hitler ally Horthy as "an exceptional statesman" for rebuilding Hungary after World War I has also sparked criticism. (Source: France24)
2018. VII. 11. Elrettentő jövőkép " Imádkozom azért, hogy Magyarország elkerülje ezt a fertőt, amiben a Nyugat már fuldoklik". (Forrás: SzentKoronaRádió): https://tinyurl.com/yd2ech9o
United States
July 17, 2018 Trump calls off Cold War II. Looking back over the week, from Brussels to Britain to Helsinki, Trump’s message has been clear, consistent and startling. NATO is obsolete. European allies have freeloaded off U.S. defense while rolling up huge trade surpluses at our expense. Those days are over. Europeans are going to stop stealing our markets and start paying for their own defense. And there will be no Cold War II. We are not going to let Putin’s annexation of Crimea or aid to pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine prevent us from working on a rapprochement and a partnership with him, Trump is saying. We are going to negotiate arms treaties and talk out our differences as Reagan did with Gorbachev. On Syria, Trump indicated that he and Putin are working with Netanyahu, who wants all Iranian forces and Iran-backed militias kept far from the Golan Heights. As for U.S. troops in Syria, says Trump, they will be coming out after ISIS is crushed, and we are 98 percent there. That is another underlying message here: America is coming home from foreign wars and will be shedding foreign commitments. Both before and after the Trump-Putin meeting, the cable news coverage was as hostile and hateful toward the president as any this writer has ever seen. When Trump spoke of the “foolishness and stupidity” of the U.S. foreign policy establishment that contributed to this era of animosity in U.S.-Russia relations, what might he have had in mind? Many Putin actions we condemn were reactions to what we did. (Source: WND)
July 15, 2018 "I think the European Union is a foe," Trump says. Coming off a contentious NATO summit and a trip to the U.K. in which he seemed to undercut the government of America's closest ally, President Trump took aim at another Western institution just days before his high-stakes meeting with Russian President Putin. In an interview with "CBS Evening News" anchor Glor in Scotland yesterday, President Trump named the European Union - comprising some of America's oldest allies - when asked to identify his "biggest foe globally right now." "Well, I think we have a lot of foes. I think the European Union is a foe, what they do to us in trade. Now, you wouldn't think of the European Union, but they're a foe. Russia is foe in certain respects. China is a foe economically, certainly they are a foe. But that doesn't mean they are bad. It doesn't mean anything. It means that they are competitive," Mr. Trump said. "I respect the leaders of those countries. But, in a trade sense, they've really taken advantage of us and many of those countries are in NATO and they weren't paying their bills," he added. Today British Prime Minister May told the BBC that Mr. Trump had encouraged her to "sue the EU" rather than negotiate over the U.K.'s departure from the bloc. The president kicked off the NATO summit by blasting Germany as "totally controlled" and "captive by Russia" over a natural gas pipeline project, known as the Nord Stream 2. "In a trade sense, they've really taken advantage of us and many of those countries are in NATO and they weren't paying their bills and, you know, as an example a big problem with Germany. Because Germany made a pipeline deal with Russia. Where they're going to be paying Russia billions and billions of dollars a year for energy and I say that's not good, that's not fair. You're supposed to be fighting for someone and then that someone gives billions of dollars to the one you're, you know, guarding against, I think it's ridiculous so I let that be known also this time. I'll tell you what, there's a lot of anger at the fact that Germany is paying Russia billions of dollars. There's a lot of anger. I also think it's a very bad thing for Germany. Because it's like -- what are they waving a white flag?" The U.S. fears the deal could give Moscow greater leverage over Western Europe. Mr. Trump heads to Helsinki today ahead of his meeting with Putin tomorrow. He told Glor he has "low expectations" for the summit. (Source: CBSNews)
2018. VII. 11. Brüsszelben ma kezdődik a NATO-tagországok állam- és kormányfőinek kétnapos találkozója. A csúcsértekezlet középpontjában a tagországok védelmének és biztonságának fokozása, a katonai mozgékonyság növelése és a védelmi kiadások emelése áll. Az EU-tagállamok között nincs egységes célkitűzés, mire használják a NATO európai haderőit. A skandinávok, a lengyelek és balti államok orosz fenyegetettség ellen, míg a visegrádiak és az osztrákok a külső határok védelmére, a migráció visszaszorításra. Svédországban visszaállították a sorkötelezettséget, Németországban is gondolkodnak a sorkötelezettség visszahozásán, mert nincs elég katona. Ausztriában népszavazás döntött arról, hogy ne töröljék el a sorkatonaságot. Az Egyesült Államok továbbra sem tartja elégségesnek az európai tagországok elkötelezettségét védelmi költségvetésük növelése mellett. Az elmúlt években alapvető változás történt az Egyesült Államok külpolitikai stratégiájában: Kínát, Németországot, Mexikót és Kanadát ellenfélnek tekinti. Németország jelenleg éves bruttó nemzeti össztermékéből 1,1 százalékot költ védelmi célokra. Az amerikai stratégia része lehet, hogy európai partnerei többet költsenek katonai kiadásokra, és ezzel egyfajta fegyverkezési versenyt indítsanak el. A német és francia hadiipar abban bízik, hogy a haderőfejlesztés révén megrendelésekhez jut, míg Trump célja, hogy az EU-s NATO-tagállamok amerikai fegyvereket, vagy az amerikai folyékony, cseppfolyós gázt (LNG) vásárolják az Európai Unióval szemben fennálló 150 milliárd euro-s kereskedelmi hiányának ellensúlyozására. Az LNG gáz viszont 30-40 százalékkal drágább, mint a vezetéken érkező orosz vagy a katari és azeri gáz. Azzal, hogy Trump összeköti a kereskedelmi vitákat, a büntetővámok kivetésével, a védelmi kiadások megemelésével, az amerikai elnök megzsarolja európai partnereit. (Forrás: Híradó)
July 20, 2018 Pro-isis media outlet circulates video calling for biological attacks in the West. On Screen: 'Islam prohibits the use of this type of mass terrorism and allows it in the exception of repelling aggression and reciprocity.' Narrator: (...) extract the most harmful viruses and infection bacteria then release them safely by following these simple steps: First, try to find the most severe epidemics to treat." On Screen: "Hantavirus, derived from the feces and droppings of rats that carry the plague of the most serious plague at the moment. The Cholera virus is extracted from the patient's waste. Typhoid bacteria, found in human and animal wastes in general and frequent in the dirty areas." Narrator: "Second, spread the bacteria extracted by type as follows." On Screen: "Sprinkle the liquid substances or the basics of bacteria with drinking water to take effect automatically. Sprinkle the crushed material on exposed fruit and public foods or scatter them in the air in crowded places – with caution." Narrator: "Third, try to be safe and avoid any danger that may affect you during the preparation of harmful substances." (Transcripts prepared from the original English subtitles of the video.). /Source: MEMRITv/: https://tinyurl.com/yc8o3fxd