25 October 2015 On the march to western Europe: shocking pictures show thousands of determined men, women and children trudging across the Balkans as politicians warn EU could collapse in weeks. Battling howling winds, driving rain and icy temperatures, thousands of migrants today marched into Slovenia. Photographed from above, the refugees formed a single column as they crossed into the country from Croatia. It comes as Slovenia's Prime Minister warns the EU will break up if leaders cannot agree on how to deal with crisis. Since October 17, more than 62,000 migrants have arrived in Slovenia, with some 14,000 still passing through the country on today alone. Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia have all now warned they could close their borders if Germany and Austria stop accepting migrants. More than 680,000 migrants and refugees have crossed to Europe by sea so far this year from the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Turkey, the starting point for most of the migrants, is pressing the EU for funds, visa-free travel, accelerated membership talks and resumed participation in EU summits in return for cooperation in stemming the refugee flow. (Source: DailyMail): http://tinyurl.com/pz72foe
2015. X. 25. Politikai földrengés a lengyel parlamenti választásokon. Kaczyński pártja, a korábban már kormányzó Jog és Igazságosság nyerte a lengyelországi parlamenti választásokat az exit pollok szerint. A PiS nagyobb arányban, 16 százalékkal a földbe döngölte a mostani kormánypártot, és Szydło Beata vezetésével várhatóan egyedül is tud kormányozni. Történelmi fordulat, hogy az egymással összefogó és együtt induló baloldali pártok nem érték el a bejutási küszöböt, így a baloldal kiesett a parlamentből. Két idén alapított párt is bejutott a szejmbe. Orbán Viktor számára örömteli fejlemény a PiS győzelme, mert így a magyar kormány egy erős szövetségest kaphat a mostani EU-s politikájához. Míg a V4-ek megállapodásából Kopacz Ewa legutóbb a menekültkvóták ügyében kihátrált, a PiS-szel ez nem fordulhat elő, erre Szydło célzott is a kampányban. Korábban a magyar kormányzati körökben is beszéltek már arról, hogy a PiS nagyarányú győzelmével kalkulál Orbán, amely erősítheti az általa képviselt EU-s politikát. (Forrás: Index)
2015. X. 25. Lengyelország válaszúton. Ma reggel hét órától Lengyelországban parlamenti választást tartanak, mely nem csak az országra, de gazdasági és politikai súlyánál fogva egész régiónkra hatással lesz. Így sokatmondó volt a Jog és Igazságosság tavaszi elnökjelöltje, az új lengyel köztársasági elnök, Andrzej Duda augusztusi beiktatásán elmondott beszéde is, melyben egy a Baltikumtól az Adriáig és a Fekete-tengerig tartó közép-európai összefogást vázolt fel. (Forrás: AlfaHír): http://tinyurl.com/ngg8a2u
25 Oct 2015 As leaders of eastern European countries turned on each other at a foul-tempered emergency summit in Brussels, They said the Schengen visa-free zone and even the European Union itself could be pulled apart as states threw up borders to halt the influx. Every day counts, otherwise we will soon see families in cold rivers in the Balkans perish miserably' - Juncker said. Hahn, the EU’s ‘neighbourhood’ Commissioner, said there were now 20 million refugees in Europe’s backyard and that regime's new Russian- and Iranian-backed assault on Aleppo, Syria's biggest city, would produce an “immediate impact” in the numbers reaching Europe. Initial statistics suggested that some of the almost eight million displaced people who had stayed inside the country were now also starting to leave. The US and Saudi Arabia dramatically responded to Russian air-strikes in support of the Assad regime by agreeing to boost their own military and diplomatic support for the Syrian rebels, threatening an ever worsening downward spiral. The European Commission revealed last night that just eight out of 28 member states had volunteered emergency equipment and experts to address the crisis, a month after they were asked to come forward with offers. Cerar, the Slovenian prime minister, attacked Croatia for dumping migrants on its border without warning. He said some 12,000 people a day were arriving in the tiny state of two million.Viktor Orbán, the Hungarian leader, demanded an end to Europe’s “open border policy” which he blamed for the crisis. Mr Tsipras criticised the lack of “responsibility” from other states, and said Turkey, the launching point for many trips to Europe, should have been invited. Zoran Milanovic, the Croatian Prime Minister, attacked Mr Tsipras. "Why doesn't Greece control its maritime half with Turkey?” he said. "If Germany and Austria and other countries close their borders, we will be ready to also close our borders at that very same moment," said Boyko Borisov, the Bulgarian Prime Minister. In Germany, according to Welt am Sonntag, an unsigned discussion paper circulated among security official warns: “We are importing Islamic extremism, Arabic anti-semitism, the national and ethnic conflicts of other nations and other concepts of rights and society.” (Source: TheTelegraph): http://tinyurl.com/ncj3tjx
10/25/2015 A Palestinian Authority polling institute survey of Arabs living in Judea, Samaria, Gaza and eastern Jerusalem indicate that most want to leave the Land of Israel and emigrate to other countries, according to a Ynet report. 68% of the Arabs surveys are concerned for their economic well-being. 70% of the Arabs surveyed would emigrate to the West if they could. 70 percent among their primary concerns are the increased likelihood of war with Israel, and their worsening financial situation. The poll was carried out between June 16-24 with a sample of 1024 adults. (Source: IsraelsVoice): http://tinyurl.com/nq745qe