2015. V. 27. A kormány elfogadta a Nemzeti Korrupcióellenes Programot és az azzal összefüggő intézkedések 2015-2016-ra vonatkozó tervét. (Forrás: MTI)
2015. V. 27. Bemutatók, zenés őrségváltás, katonazenekari fesztivál és gyermekprogramok is lesznek szombaton, május 28.-án Budapesten a Hősök terén, a Városligetben és a város több más pontján a Magyar Honvédség vitéz Szurmay Budapest Helyőrség Dandárja idei helyőrségi tavaszi szemléjén. A Városligetben 10 órától délután 5 óráig a Palme sétányon és annak környékén bemutatkoznak a Budapest Helyőrség alakulatai. Az érdeklődők megismerhetik a tűzszerészek eszközeit (köztük a tűzszerészrobotot), a katonai rendészek munkáját és fegyvereit, a díszelgők ruháit és fegyvereit. Mindemellett haditechnikai eszközöket mutatnak be, lesz lézeres szimulátor és air soft lövészet is. Az egészségügyi sátrakban a nők számára szűrővizsgálatokat tartanak, pszichológiai és prevenciós, továbbá életmódbeli tanácsokat adnak. A HM Tábori Lelkészi Szolgálat és a Katolikus Karitász játékbusszal, a Baptista Szeretetszolgálat pedig mentőkutyás bemutatóval, bohóccal és arcfestéssel várja a gyerekeket. A Kossuth téren fél 1 és délután 2 óra között, majd 4 órától a Szent György téren ugyancsak zenés bemutatót tartanak a Nemzeti Honvéd Díszegység, valamint Pozsony, Prága, Bécs, és Varsó különleges díszelgő csoportjai. A budapesti hősök napi katonazenekari fesztivál keretében fél 2-től fél 3-ig a város négy pontján - a Stefánia-palotánál, a Széchenyi fürdőnél, a Napozóréten és a Kis-Napozóréten - térzenét játszanak a Magyar Honvédség szentendrei, tatai, szolnoki és székesfehérvári zenekarai. Délután 3 órától zenés alaki bemutatókkal és összevont zenekari koncerttel várják az érdeklődőket a Hősök terére. (Forrás: MTI)
Great Britain Nagy-Britannia
27 May 2015 Firms to be hit with new tax for hiring foreign workers instead of employing young Brits. Home Secretary May to consult on new visa levy on businesses. Money raised would be used to fund apprenticeships in the UK. New offence of working illegally with police given power to seize wages. Banks ordered to check accounts against databases of illegal workers. Satellite tracking for foreign criminals awaiting deportation. The plan emerged as the Queen's Speech set out plans for a fresh crackdown on immigration, designed to stamp out exploitation of illegal workers. The Queen announced that 'measures will be introduced to control immigration', which will include reforming immigration and labour market rules to reduce the demand for skilled migrant labour and crack down on the exploitation of low skilled workers. Latest figures also show that in the year to January to March, the number of EU nationals in work rose by 283,000, higher than the 279,000 rise in British nationals who had a job. Official figures revealed that the number of foreign criminals living in the community rose above 5,000 for the first time this year. Data released last week revealed that there were 5,053 foreign offenders who were subject to deportation action living in the community in the first three months of this year. This was a rise of almost a fifth compared to the same period in 2014. (Source: Mail): http://tinyurl.com/puly9og
27 May 2015 Pagans gather for elaborate Wiccan funeral of celebrated Cornish wizard (Source: Mirror): http://tinyurl.com/nb2ysaj
Képségverseny http://tinyurl.com/pgjvwt6
27 May 2015 World first as scientists use cold sore virus to attack cancer cells. Using genetically modified viruses to attack tumour cells could open a 'wave' of potential new treatments. Specialists at the NHS Royal Marsden Hospital and the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) confirmed that melanoma skin cancer patients treated with a modified herpes virus (the virus that causes cold sores) had improved survival.the study represents a landmark: it is the first, large, randomised trial of a so-called oncolytic virus to show success. The virus multiplies inside the cancer cells, bursting them from within. At the same time, other genetic modifications to the virus mean it stimulates the body’s own immune response to attack and destroy tumours. Other forms of immunotherapy – the stimulation of the body’s own immune system to fight cancer – using antibodies rather viruses, have been developed into successful drugs. It is hoped that T-VEC could be used in combination with these. Findings from trials of T-VEC, which is manufactured by the American pharmaceutical company Amgen, have already been submitted to drugs regulators in Europe and the USA. Melanoma is the fifth most common cancer in the UK, and is becoming more widespread as a result of increased exposure to the sun in younger generations who have benefitted from easier access to sunnier climates on holiday. Survival chances are good if the cancer – indicated by the appearance of a new mole on the skin – is caught early. The therapy used here, known as T-VEC (short for Talimogene Laherparepvec) is already being looked at by regulators at the US Food and Drug Administration, and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Scientists hope that it could be rubber-stamped as a treatment for advanced melanoma within the next 12 months. (Source: The Independent): http://tinyurl.com/ofgvlqp
21 May 2015 Revealed: the world's cities most likely to be hit by a terror attack. Sixty-four cities around the world are at "extreme" risk, with most in the Middle East and Asia - and three in Europe Capital cities at 'extreme risk' of a terror attack: Baghdad, Iraq; Kabul, Afghanistan; Mogadishu, Somalia; Abuja, Nigeria; Sana’a, Yemen; Beirut, Lebanon; Damascus, Syria; Jerusalem, Israel; Islamabad, Pakistan; Cairo, Egypt; Tripoli, Libya; Nairobi, Kenya. (Source: The Telegraph): http://tinyurl.com/myncp9z Capital cities facing ‘extreme’ terrorism risks (Source: Maplecroft): http://tinyurl.com/ogpw8v6
2015. V. 21. Regionális gázszállítási együttműködésről állapodott meg négy állam, Magyarország, Románia, Bulgária és Szlovákia. Még a nap folyamán aláírja a négy külügyminiszter Rigában azt a megállapodást, amely szerint összekötik és kétirányúsítják gázvezeték-rendszereiket. „A Nabucco- és a Déli Áramlat gázvezeték-projekt lemondása után a térség államainak újabb lehetőségek és megoldásuk után kell nézniük annak érdekében, hogy új gázbeszerzési forrásokat és útvonalakat találjanak. Amíg egy nagy stratégiai gázvezeték-beruházás nem valósul meg, addig a közép-európai térségben energiabiztonságról nem tudunk beszélni" - fogalmazott Szijjártó miniszter. Hozzátette: a partnerek nemzeti költségvetése mellett közösen megpályázandó Európai Uniós forrásokból fedeznék a szükséges beruházások költségeit, megjegyezve, egész Európa érdeke a térség energiabiztonsága. (Forrás: M1/MTI)
2015. V. 27. A szicíliai Catania bírósága életfogytiglani börtönbüntetésre ítélt egy embercsempészt, Radouant, társa, Bouchab pedig tíz év börtönt kapott az olasz és líbiai partok között 2014. májusában történt hajószerencsétlenségért, amelyben a becslések szerint több mint kétszázan a tengerbe vesztek. Ez az első alkalom, hogy embercsempész ilyen súlyos büntetést szabtak ki a bevándorlókkal teli és nyílt tengeren, nemzetközi vizeken elsüllyedt hajó felelőseire. A bevándorlókkal zsúfolt hajó 2014. május 12-én a líbiai partoktól negyvenmérföldnyire süllyedt el. A helyszínre siető olasz parti őrség és más hajók 206 személyt tudtak kimenteni a tengerből. 17 holttestre találtak, közöttük két kisgyerek is volt. A becslések szerint több mint kétszázan vesztek a tengerbe. Az Olaszországba szállított túlélők között sikerült azonosítani a két embercsempészt. Renzi miniszterelnök korábbi bejelentése szerint az olasz hatóságok eddig több mint ezer emberkereskedőt vettek őrizetbe az Olaszországba érkező illegális bevándorlók között. Ha nem történik haláleset, az olasz jog értelmében a bevándorlók szállítói maximum 12 évre ítélhetők. Eddig tíz százalékukat ítélték el. A 2013. októberében Lampedusa szigeténél történt hajószerencsétlenség esetében, amelyben 366 holttestet találtak meg, az olasz ügyészség márciusban 20 évet kért a hajót kormányzó feltételezett szomáliai emberkereskedőre. Líbiai társát már nyolc évre ítélték. (Forrás: MTI)
2015. V. 21. A fegyverkereskedelem forgalma Oroszország és Irak között az elmúlt két évben a tízszeresére nőtt. Irak, Szíria és Egyiptom a terrorizmus elleni küzdelem frontvonalában vannak - mondta Lavrov, orosz külügyminiszter. Putyin emellett további támogatásáról biztosította az Iszlám Állam (IÁ) elnevezésű szélsőséges szervezett elleni harcában az iraki kormányt. Moszkvai látogatásán a Lukoil, Gazprom Nyeft és a Rosznyeft orosz olajtársaságok vezetőségével is találkozni fog Abádi, iraki politikus, kormányfő. A három orosz konszern közül a Lukoil és a Gazprom Nyeft jelenleg is tevékenykedik Irakban. (Forrás: MTI)
May 21, 2015 Exclusive: China warns U.S. surveillance plane above the South China Sea. China's alarming creation of entirely new territory in the South China Sea is one part of a broader military push that some fear is intended to challenge U.S. dominance in the region. Beijing is sailing its first aircraft carrier; equipping its nuclear missiles with multiple warheads; developing missiles to destroy us warships; and, now, building military bases far from its shores., some 600 miles from its coastline. In just two years, China has expanded these islands by 2,000 acres -- the equivalent of 1,500 football fields -- and counting, an engineering marvel in waters as deep as 300 feet. Fiery Cross Reef is now home to military barracks, a lofty lookout tower and a runway long enough to handle every aircraft in the Chinese military. The new islands are already well protected. Over Fiery Cross Reef and, later, Mischief Reef, fleets of dozens of dredgers could be seen hard at work, sucking sand off the bottom of the sea and blowing it in huge plumes to create new land above the surface, while digging deep harbors below. (Source. CNN): http://tinyurl.com/ke6lejg
31 May 2015 Isis could obtain nuclear weapon from Pakistan - warns India. Comments by Defence Minister Singh follow Isis's own 'far-fetched' claims it could obtain a Pakistani nuclear device via corrupt officials. Political analysts see the scenario as unlikey, but both Pakistan and India rank poorly in terms of nuclear security. According to the Nuclear Threat Initiative's 'nuclear materials security index', out of 25 countries Pakistan is ranked 22nd, while India is ranked 23rd. (Source: The Independent): http://tinyurl.com/nbobcrz
May 20, 2014 Legion of foreign fighters battles for Islamic State Between 16,000 and 17,000, according to one independent Western estimate, men and a small number of women from 90 countries or more have streamed to Syria and Iraq to wage Muslim holy war for the Islamic State. The contingent of foreigners who have taken up arms on behalf of Islamic State during the past 3 1/2 years is more than twice as big as the French Foreign Legion. The conflict in Syria and Iraq has now drawn more volunteer fighters than past Islamist causes in Afghanistan and the former Yugoslavia — and an estimated eight out of 10 enlistees have joined Islamic State. They have been there for defeats and victories. Following major losses in both Syria and Iraq, the fighters of Islamic State appear to have gotten a second wind in recent days, capturing Ramadi, capital of Iraq's largest Sunni province, and advancing in central Syria to the outskirts of the ancient city of Palmyra, famous for its 2,000-year-old ruins. There are battle-hardened Bosnians and Chechens, prized for their experience and elan under fire. There are religious zealots untested in combat but eager to die They include around 3,300 Western Europeans and 100 or so Americans, according to the International Center for the Study of Radicalization, a think tank at King's College London. 15 percent of the enlistees are believed to have died in action. "There is no typical profile," according to a study by German security authorities. The study reported that among people leaving that country for Syria out of "Islamic extremist motives," 65 percent were believed to have prior criminal records. They ranged in age between 15 and 63. Sixty-one percent were German-born, and there were nine men for every woman. (Source: The JakartaPost): http://tinyurl.com/pjr5zxg
Israel Izrael
2015. V. 27. Izraeli harci repülőgépek támadást intéztek reggel palesztin célpontok ellen a Gázai övezetben, ahonnan előző este rakétákat lőttek ki izraeli területre. A támadott célpontok egyebek között katonai kiképző-létesítmények voltak. Áldozatokról nem szólnak a jelentések. (Forrás: MTI)
05 22 15 Iran threatens '80,000 rockets at Tel Aviv and Haifa' over distorted Ya'alon comment (Source: The Jerusalem Post): http://tinyurl.com/kwg4asx
23 May 2015 Isis claims it could buy its first nuclear weapon from Pakistan within a year. In its propaganda magazine Dabiq, Isis suggests the group is expanding so rapidly it could buy its first nuclear weapon within a year. “The Islamic State has billions of dollars in the bank, so they call on their wilāyah in Pakistan to purchase a nuclear device through weapons dealers with links to corrupt officials in the region" - the article continues. "And if not a nuke, what about a few thousand tons of ammonium nitrate explosive? That’s easy enough to make." Isis is indeed a well funded group having secured a number of oilfields in Syria and Iraq. The group also sells artefacts looted from historic areas seized during its insurgency, sometimes for six figure sums, as well as imposing taxes on civilians trapped in its self-declared caliphate and other methods of extortion. The finances of the group have been estimated by some to be in the $2billion area. (Source: The Independent): http://tinyurl.com/kduay4x
((egy kommentár: If the Taliban gains control of Afghanistan they have the platform to overthrow the Pakistan government. That would make the Taliban a nuclear power, far advanced over N Korea and two decades ahead of Iran.))
United States
May 31, 2015 Pressure on US Senate to act before NSA spy programs expire. CIA chief Brennan warned that allowing vital surveillance programs to lapse could increase terror threats, as the US Senate scrambled to renew the controversial provisions hours before their expiration, arguing that the bulk data collection of telephone records of millions of Americans unconnected to terrorism has not abused civil liberties and only serves to safeguard citizens. The House has already passed a reform bill, the USA Freedom Act, that would end the telephone data dragnet by the National Security Agency and require a court order for the NSA to access specific records from the data retained by telecommunications companies. If no action is taken by the Senate today, authorities will be forced to shut down the bulk collection program and two other provisions, which allow roving wiretaps of terror suspects and the tracking of lone-wolf suspects. A senior administration official said switches would be turned off for the bulk collection servers beginning at 3:59 pm (1959 GMT), and any collection after midnight would be deemed illegal, without congressional authorization. (Source: Yahoo): http://tinyurl.com/oxsk9jq
May 29, 2015 The US military wants its troops to be able to see through walls. DARPA is looking for ways to extract more information from light particles than cameras typically do, to reconstruct a 3-D image of a scene from a single vantage point, including objects not visible in the line-of-sight. The photons, carry many layers of information about their surroundings — but traditional imaging systems such as cameras only gather a fraction of this information - according to DARPA. This technology could “effectively allow ‘flying through the scene’ without changing one’s physical location.” (Source: DefenseOne): http://tinyurl.com/o77hoxf
May 27, 2015 Gates just described his biggest fear — and it could kill 33 million people in less than a year. "I rate the chance of a widespread epidemic, far worse than Ebola, in my lifetime, as well over 50%." Gates is 59 years old. He tells Vox that according to his modeling, 50 times more people cross borders today than they did back in 1918. Because of that and other factors, Gates estimates that the next Spanish flu-like epidemic could kill 33 million humans in 250 days. That number of people would be about equal to the population of Canada. (Source: Business Insider): http://tinyurl.com/o8p7d3e
May 27, 2015 Fewer immigrants are entering the U.S. illegally, and that’s changed the border security debate. In 2000, considered the peak of the flood of illegal Mexican migration, more than 1.6 million people were apprehended, according to DHS data. Those numbers have plunged to around 400,000 per year since 2012 and are down 28 percent in the first part of fiscal 2015 compared with last year. Even last year’s widely publicized spike in unaccompanied minors crossing the border from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras has receded dramatically, the data show. Cornelius, director of the Mexican migration field research program at the University of California at San Diego, interviews hundreds of people each year in the Mexican state of Yucatan and asks them whether they are planning to come to the United States in the next 12 months. In 2006, 24 percent said yes. By 2009, as the U.S. economy was cratering, 8 percent said yes. This year, 2.5 percent answered in the affirmative. (Source: The Washington Post): http://tinyurl.com/p5syntf
26 May 2015 The silent missile that can destroy enemy electronics with microwave PULSES: Air Force confirms terrifying new weapon. Named counter-electronics high-powered microwave advanced missile. Weapon destroys electronic systems without hurting people or buildings. Champ is now an 'operational system already in [the] tactical air force' . Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile-Extended Range has been chosen as the delivery vehicle. The US Air Force claims it has advanced the technology, and says it can deploy it using the stealthy Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile-Extended Range (JASSM).. The missile is equipped with an electromagnetic pulse cannon. This uses a super-powerful microwave oven to generate a concentrated beam of energy. The energy causes voltage surges in electronic equipment, rendering them useless before surge protectors have the chance to react. The aim is to destroy an enemy's command, control, communication and computing, surveillance and intelligence capabilities without hurting people or infrastructure. It can be launched by both bombers and fighters, In 2012, aircraft manufacturer Boeing successfully tested the weapon on a one-hour flight during which it knocked out the computers of an entire military compound. Experts fear that the project could create an arms race, with countries scrambling to build their own electromagnetic pulse weapons. (Source: TheMail): http://tinyurl.com/n97r6e8
May 31, 2015 Russia's Putin shut out from G-7 meeting, but not much else. Russia's Putin won't be on the guest list when President Obama and other world leaders assemble in Germany next week, as part of the punishment for alleged Kremlin-supported aggression in Ukraine. Yet the Russian president remains a central player in international affairs, including the U.S.-led nuclear talks with Iran, even with the pledge by Western leaders to try to isolate Putin. Just this month, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was in Moscow for talks with Putin and Secretary of State Kerry went to Sochi to confer with him. Putin and British Prime Minister David Cameron spoke by telephone in recent days and agreed to resume talks aimed at ending Syria's civil war, where Putin's cooperation also is crucial. Some analysts say the West risks sending mixed signals to Ukraine, where the government has been pushing for more support. Russia was invited to join the G-7, a bloc of leading industrial nations, in 1998 and remained a member of what was then called the G-8 until last year. (Source: Associated Press): http://tinyurl.com/o8kdtck