(Friday), (18 October 2024 21:04 CEST) A special immigration court in Rome ruled that the 12 migrants, sent to the camp at Gjader not far from the Adriatic coast in northern Albania, should be brought back to Italy 'because they were from countries considered unsafe to be returned to' - 10 men from Bangladesh and six from Egypt. The first group of men arrived in Albania on Wednesday on board of an Italian navy ship, three days after they were part of a group of 85 people picked up at sea. Two weeks ago the European Court of Justice said a country could only be considered safe if 'persecution... torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is never resorted to'. (Source: bbc *)
* The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), a British public service broadcaster headquartered in London, England.
18 October 2024, 11:12 Hungarian Premier Viktor Orbán today expressed support for Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Salvini in relation to the ongoing Open Arms trial in Palermo, saying he "deserves a medal". "We are with you, my friend! Matteo Salvini deserves a medal for having defended Europe", Orbán wrote on X, ahead of a hearing of the trial scheduled today. Orbán in the post shared a picture of the courtroom in the Sicilian city where the trial is being held. /photo/ (Source: ansa *)
* Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata, the leading news agency in Italy.
.4 10 30 11:01