2020. I. 17. A közel 500 éve kezdődött folyamat ma is tart. Trianon, hogy – jelenleg részben könnyen átjárható – államhatár vág ketté ősi településeket. Trianon, hogy a magyar kulturális teljesítmény építészeti és más emlékeit folyamatosan pusztítják a zsákmányszerzők. Trianon, hogy szisztematikus, célirányos ingatlan- és egyéb tulajdonvásárlásokkal szervezetten megváltoztatják az etnikai arányokat. Trianon a marosvásárhelyi pogrom, Trianon az úzvölgyi magyar temető megbecstelenítése. Trianon Malina Hedvig és a székely fiatalok jogtipró meghurcolása, rajtuk keresztül a magyar közösségek tudatos megfélemlítése. Trianon a prágai és a pozsonyi parlamentben 2006-ban hatályukban megerősített Beneš-dekrétumokból fakadó tulajdon- és jogvesztés, Trianon a szlovák állampolgársági törvény és a magyar himnusz törvényi üldözése. Trianon a kárpátaljai magyarság elnyomása. És Trianon a kádári posványban megindult öntudatvesztés, Trianon a lemondás, az országcsonkítás befejezett múltnak tekintése. (Forrás: Demokrata)
2020. I. 17. Egy Duna-menti faluban – amelynek lakossága lassan többségében cigány nemzetiségű –, megjelentek a civil szervezetek, amelyek a nevelőszülői hálózat teljes listájának birtokában keresik fel a nevelőszülőket, és ajánlanak egy hihetetlenül jól fizető lehetőséget: Németországból kellene befogadni viselkedészavaros, 16 év feletti fiatalokat, gyerekenként és havonta 600.000 forintos ellenszolgáltatásért. A fiatalok Magyarországon nem járhatnak iskolába, hanem németországi iskolájuk képzi őket tovább is az interneten keresztül. A szervezés titkos. Már korábban is előfordult, hogy a hazai kisebbséggel hozták össze civil szervezetek a migráns fiatalokat, amiből több esetben házasság és családalapítás is volt már, legalizálva a migráns fiatalok magyarországi tartózkodását. Ha a migránsok és a cigányság magyar gyűlölő része a liberális magyarellenes civilszervezetek segítségével "egymásra talál", és mindezt a jog is támogatja, akkor Magyarországon soha nem látott tragédia következhet be, ami nem polgárháborút jelent, hanem folyamatos és végzetes támadást a magyar lakosság ellen. A pénz, a kábítószer-kereskedelem, a fegyver-kereskedelem, a nő-kereskedelem már ma is olyan mérteket ölt, amelynek megakadályozása csaknem lehetetlen. (Forrás: StoffanGyorgy) Hivatkozása még: https://tinyurl.com/ta43vgh
2020. I. 18. Az Erdélyi Magyar Néppárt (EMNP) és a Magyar Polgári Párt (MPP) fúziójáról döntött ma Csíkszeredában a két párt küldöttgyűlése. Az új párt az Erdélyi Magyar Szövetség (EMSZ) nevet fogja viselni. (Forrás: KurucInfo)
2020. I. 13. A LARICS rövidítés a Bukarestben működő, Információs hadviselést és stratégiai kommunikációt elemző laboratórium nevet viselő elemzői műhely román nevét takarja. Az elemzőcsoport küldetésnyilatkozata szerint eseményeket és a nemzetközi sajtót vizsgálja az „információs hadviselés” tekintetében, elsősorban Románia és Moldova Köztársaság helyzetére vonatkoztatva. 2019 második félévében a LARICS (honlapja szerint) 27 geopolitikai és „stratégiai” elemzést tett közzé, amelynek több mint egyharmada (9 elemzés) Magyarországgal, a román–magyar viszonnyal és Orbán Viktorral foglalkozik, majd csupán ezt követi a küldetésnyilatkozatban is felvállalt Moldova-problematika hat (6) elemzéssel. Négy elemzés Oroszországgal, pontosabban a putyini propagandával foglalkozik. Mindezek mellett mindössze további nyolc foglalkozik geopolitikai kérdésekkel (Trump politikája, Irán és a Közel-Kelet). A helyzetértelmezésük szerint Romániának két ellenséges – és egymással szövetségre lépő – szomszéd, Oroszország és Magyarország közé szorulva kell megvédenie önmagát. E narratíva a kontinuitás jegyében született: a hagyományos magyarellenesség folytatása új fogalmi keretben. A LARICS a historizáló magyarellenesség fogalomkészletét egy geopolitikai szótárral próbálja felváltani, amelyet – feltehetőleg – az euroatlanti világban is kommunikálhatóbbnak vél. Dungaciu, egyik feltörekvő szerzőjük szerint, a magyar törekvések rejtett célja az Erdély fölötti „társszuverenitás” megszerzése. A szó mögött természetesen a globális világ egy ismert – és tulajdonképpen szokványos – jelensége rejlik: a magyar befolyás megjelenése az integrált gazdasági, információs és szellemi tereken keresztül, ami természetesen érzékenyen érinti a román autarkiára való beállítottságot. Nos, az integrációnak ezt a természetes módon is értelmezhető folyamatát helyezi át Dungaciu új konceptuális leleménye egy geopolitikai területszerző kontextusba. A LARICS a magyar–román viszony geopolitizált újrafogalmazásával eladhatóbbá kívánja tenni a „vádat”, miszerint Magyarország Erdély megszerzésére törekszik (ugyanis a hagyományos fogalmakkal ez már nem védhető tézis a NATO-n és az Unión belül). /Forrás: Krónika/
16 January 2020 Putin is presenting his constitutional reform in the same vein as the prime minister swap. The changes involve a rebalancing of responsibility - slightly less for the president, more for parliament. Putin is carving out a suitable role for when he has to pack up and leave the Kremlin. After two decades in power he has interests and allies - a whole system - to protect. The role of the little-noticed State Council could be central to his future. Mr Putin is already its head, and now plans to enshrine the council in the constitution. The Kazakh model, where Nazarbayev remained head of the security council and "Leader of the Nation" for life. He has set up a working group, 75-people strong, to draw up concrete proposals for the reforms, and has already given them their instructions. Some kind of public confirmation vote is expected before the summer. The Kremlin has ruled out a formal referendum, though. It would be risky. (Source: BBC)
15 January 2020 Russian government resigns in accordance with Article 117 of the Russian Constitution, which states that the government can offer its resignation to the president, who can either accept or reject it, after President Putin’s state-of-the-nation address proposes changes to the constitution. Putin proposed multiple amendments to Russia’s constitution. His proposals would entail “substantial changes” to the constitution as well as to the “entire balance of power, the power of the executive, the power of the legislature, the power of the judiciary,” Medvedev explained. During his speech, Putin said he intended to create the position of deputy secretary of Russia’s Security Council, which would be offered to Medvedev. Medvedev became prime minister in 2012, after serving four years as president. He currently heads the ruling United Russia party. The resignation symbolizes the current reboot of the political system ahead of the 2021 parliamentary and 2024 presidential elections. Under Putin’s plan, the State Duma – the lower house of parliament – will be granted the power to appoint the prime minister and the rest of the cabinet. Another idea voiced by Putin is to make the consultation body, the State Council, a permanent fixture, with its status and role written into the constitution. (Source: RT)
January 14, 2020 By 1985, the submarine K-431 was already twenty years old but still technically useful. Like all Echo IIs, K-431 was powered by two pressurized water reactors that drove steam turbines to a total of sixty thousand shipboard horsepower. As old as it was, K-431’s nuclear fuel supply needed replenishing, and by early August the process had started at the Soviet Navy’s facilities at Chazhma Bay. On August 10, the submarine was in the process of being refueled. Reportedly, the reactor lid - complete with new nuclear fuel rods - was lifted as part of the process. A beam was placed over the lid to prevent it from being lifted any higher, but incompetent handling apparently resulted in the rods being lifted too high into the air. (One account has a wave generated by a passing motor torpedo boat rocking the submarine in its berth, also raising the rods too high.) This resulted in the starboard reactor achieving critical mass, followed by a chain reaction and explosion. The explosion blew out the reactor’s twelve-ton lid - and fuel rods - and ruptured the pressure hull. The reactor core was destroyed, and eight officers and two enlisted men standing nearby were killed instantly. At the blast threw debris was thrown into the air, and a plume of fallout 650 meters wide by 3.5 kilometers long traveled downwind on the Dunay Peninsula. More debris and the isotope Cobalt-60 was thrown overboard and onto the nearby docks. The accident scene was heavily contaminated with radioactivity. The explosion released 259 petabecquerels of radioactive particles, including twenty-nine gigabecquerels of iodine-131, a known cause of cancer. This bode very badly for the emergency cleanup crews, especially firefighters who needed to get close to the explosion site, and the nearby village of Shkotovo-22. Forty-nine members of the cleanup crew displayed symptoms of radiation sickness, ten of them displaying acute symptoms. While the Chazhma Bay region appears contaminated to this day with radiation, it is unknown how much of it is the result of the K-431 incident and how much the result of the many nuclear-powered submarines that were junked and forgotten in the area. The K-431 incident was one of several involving Soviet submarine reactors. Ten Soviet submarines experienced nuclear accidents, and one other, K-11, also suffered a refueling criticality. The U.S. Navy’s nuclear submarine fleet, by contrast, suffered zero nuclear accidents - not only during the Cold War but all the way up to the present day. (Source: NationalInterest)
20 January 2020 nCoV2019. China confirms new SARS-like virus has spread between humans as 14 medics catch the killer infection after treating patients. The coronavirus has struck 222 people in Asia. It comes ahead of Lunar New Year, which will see millions of Chinese citizens travelling abroad. (Source: Mail)
January 11, 2020 Iran’s acknowledgement that it shot down a Ukrainian airliner, killing 176 people, raises new challenges for the Islamic Republic both externally amid tensions with the U.S. and internally as it deals with growing discontent from its people. “The altitude and the direction of the flight’s movement were like an enemy target, so the aircraft was targeted unintentionally due to human error,” the statement read. The Guard claims it asked Iranian authorities to shut down airspace in Tehran amid the ballistic missile strikes and fears of reprisals, but nothing happened. (Source: AP)
20 January 2020 isis's new leader unmasked. The born in Tal Afar, a city near Mosul, the Sharia law graduate was born into Iraqi Turkmen family. He is revealed as the hardliner now running the terror group. Salbi, who helped found isis, brought in brutal Sharia Law in Iraq and Syria, led the enslavement of the Yazidi and has operated across the world. He became friends with Baghdadi while caged in US Camp Bucca detention centre, Iraq. Salbi claims he is a direct descendant from the Prophet Mohammed. (Source: Mail)
January 15, 2020 Crude oil started entering China via the 1,420-km China-Myanmar crude oil pipeline from June 2017, and the China-Myanmar natural gas pipeline was put into operation in July 2013. China has imported about 26.9 million tonnes of crude oil and 24.6 billion cubic meters of natural gas through the China-Myanmar oil and gas pipeline. China imported 10.8 million tonnes of crude oil via the China-Myanmar oil and gas pipeline in 2019. The import value amounted to 37.7 billion yuan (about 5.5 billion U.S. dollars). The imports of natural gas from Myanmar amounted to 3.4 million tonnes, up 54 percent from 2018, with a total value of 12.1 billion yuan. (Source: People.cn)
South Korea
January 17, 2020 South Korea is a homogenous society without racial diversity. Harris, Washington's envoy to South Korea, has been subjected to heated vitriol on social media and by anonymous netizens for his mustache. He resembles Japanese wartime leaders. Some of Japan's most prominent wartime leaders - like Tojo, the Prime Minister who was later executed by a postwar tribunal, and Emperor Hirohito - had mustaches. Under Japanese rule, many Koreans were brutalized, murdered and enslaved. It's still living memory for elderly Koreans and remains a highly emotive subject in both North and South Korea. Harris was born in Japan to a Japanese mother and American father, who was a Navy officer. He's a US citizen. Harris explained that he grew the mustache to mark a new phase in his life, after he retired as commander of the US Pacific Fleet and began working as a diplomat. (Source: CNN)
January 11, 2020 Fire jihad in Australia? In 2012, the Al-Qaeda magazine 'Inspire' had in an article titled 'Unleash Hell,' which had described in detail how to start a huge forest fire across the United States. The article says, "it is your freedom to ignite an ember bomb in a US forest'. It recommends Montana because of the fast-growing population in the wooded areas. In 2018 the Al-Ansar Media outlet that supports the islamic state suggested that the wildfires in California were the handiwork of the Jihadi group. 'O America, this is the punishment of bombing Muslims in Syria. This is Allah's punishment for you and inshallah you will see more fires," it said. The use of this unconventional weapon, starting a forest fire is easier for terrorists. It does not come under the radar of the agencies like a gun or IED would. (Source: OneIndia)
January 18, 2020 The heaviest snowfall ever recorded after the blizzard battered eastern St. John’s, Newfouunland. St. John’s had experienced a one-day snowfall of 76.2 centimeters, breaking the previous record of 68.4 centimeters on April 5, 1999. Winds at the St. John’s International Airport were recorded at between 75 and 98 mph at the height of the storm which some people described as being like a blizzard in a hurricane. (Source: AP)
United States
January 20, 2020 Activity from one of Alaska's 80 volcanoes triggered aviation warnings after it began to spew ash and lava. The Shishaldin Volcano sits near an Aleutian village on an archipelago in southwest Alaska about 700 miles west of Anchorage. At some points, the ash reached about 28,000 feet. It began to resume activity early January 18 morning with visible lava flows and ash. The ash stopped around 8:30 p.m. local time yesterday. (Source: ABCNews)
January 17, 2020 The "2019-nCoV" virus. Starting today night, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department of Homeland Security’s Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will implement enhanced health screenings to detect ill travelers en route to the U.S. on direct or connecting flights from Wuhan to San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles airports. Passengers will receive a questionnaire asking about symptoms and will have their temperatures taken. Chinese health authorities fully sequenced the virus and the data is now in the NIH's database GenBank and in the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID) portal. There are more than 40 known cases of the virus, which has killed two people and spread to at least two more countries, with two cases in Thailand and one in Japan from people who had been in Wuhan, China. (Source: Axios)
17 Jan 2020 A "satanic" sect killed a pregnant woman and six children - aged between one and 17 - during a violent exorcism inside a church in the indigenous region of Ngabe-Bugle in Panama by La Nueva Luz de Dios (The New Light of God) sect in the community of El Terron. The victims were indigenous people who had been abducted and kept captive by the sect’s priests. Fifteen people were rescued from the religious sect where they were reportedly tortured by being beaten with bibles, choked and having burning sticks rammed in their mouths to "cast out the demons". The rituals also included animal sacrifices and a lamb was found dead without its tongue in the same location. (Source: Mirror)
20 January 2020 Bank details, social security numbers, passport information and addresses for more than 4,000 adult film stars were leaked online after a porn site left them exposed in a massive data breach. Nearly 20GB of unencrypted data, including at least 875,000 files, was discovered on January 3. PussyCash, described as an “explicit ‘cam’ affiliate network” that owns adult cam websites, is said to have stored sensitive information of the porn stars in an unsecured database. Countries affected include: the U.S., Canada, China, Israel, Australia, Germany, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Brazil and Peru, among others. (Source: TheSun)
January 18, 2020 Users would potentially be able to identify every person they saw. Searching someone by face could become as easy as Googling a name. The system - whose backbone is a database of more than three billion images that Clearview claims to have scraped from Facebook, YouTube, Venmo and millions of other websites - goes far beyond anything ever constructed by the United States government or Silicon Valley giants. More than 600 law enforcement agencies have started using Clearview in the past year, according to the company, which declined to provide a list. Clearview has also licensed the app to at least a handful of companies for security purposes. Clearview’s app carries extra risks because law enforcement agencies are uploading sensitive photos to the servers of a company whose ability to protect its data is untested. Backed financially by Thiel, a venture capitalist behind Facebook and Palantir Mr. Ton-That (31) - an Australian techie and onetime model raised on tales of his royal ancestors in Vietnam - did something momentous: He invented a tool that could end your ability to walk down the street anonymously. His tiny company, Clearview AI, devised the groundbreaking facial recognition app. Police departments have had access to facial recognition tools for almost 20 years, but they have historically been limited to searching government-provided images. Mr. Thiel, the Clearview investor, sits on Facebook’s board. Clearview possesses a growing database of individuals who have attracted attention from law enforcement. The company also has the ability to manipulate the results that the police see. The company keeps all the images it has scraped even if they are later deleted or taken down. (Source: DNYUZ)
January 12, 2020 Over the past 7 days. In the Philippines on Sunday, Taal volcano roared to life, and it is being reported that the eruption sent “steam, ash and pebbles up to 10 to 15 kilometers into the sky”. Red-hot lava gushed from of the volcano today after a sudden eruption of ash and steam which forced villagers to flee and shut down Manila’s international airport, offices and schools. There were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage from Taal volcano’s eruption south of the capital that began yesterday. On January 7 Alaska Shishaldin volcano shot hot ash 25,000 feet into the air. Mexico’s Popocatépetl volcano burst to life on January 9 in a spectacular gush of lava and clouds of ash that hurled incandescent rock about 20,000 feet into the sky. The Sabancaya volcano in Peru just shot a plume of volcanic ash approximately 24,000 feet into the air. After already experiencing more than 1,000 earthquakes since the beginning of 2020, Puerto Rico was hit by a magnitude 5.9 quake on January 11. (Source: TheEndoftheAmericanDream)
14 Jan 2020 In Dec 2013 Russa launched three military communications satellites and a fourth, initially unannounced, payload, later acknowledged with the cover name Kosmos-2491. At about 13:21 UTC on 2019 Dec 23, the satellite made an orbit change and 10 debris objects have now been catalogued. This could have occurred through deliberate destruction, accidental battery or prop event, or through an accidental debris collision. Experts have argued the tech is a precursor to heavily armed space probes designed to take out snooping enemy satellites. Similar anti-sat satellites are operated by the UK, Canada and the United States. (Source: TheSun)