2019. V. 30. Heten meghaltak, amikor összeütközött két hajó tegnap, szerda este a fővárosban, a Dunán a Parlamentnél, és az egyik elsüllyedt. A balesetnek hét könnyű sérültje van, kihűléses tünetekkel vitték őket kórházba. 21 főt továbbra is keresnek. Az elsüllyedt hajó fedélzetén 33 dél-koreai turista és a kéttagú, magyar személyzet tartózkodott. Büntetőeljárás keretében vizsgálják a történteket. A nyomozás során beszerzett személyi és tárgyi bizonyítékok alapján felmerült a személyre szóló megalapozott gyanú, ezért a szállodahajó ukrán állampolgárságú kapitányát a nyomozók halálos tömegszerencsétlenséget okozó vízi közlekedés veszélyeztetése miatt gyanúsítottként hallgatták ki. A 64 éves C. Yuriy odesszai lakost kihallgatását követően őrizetbe vették és előterjesztést tettek letartóztatásának indítványozására. A kutatásban közreműködők a 9-11 km/h sebességgel áramló vízben és a Duna teljes Lánchíd alatti magyar partszakaszain továbbra is mindent megtesznek az eltűntként kezelt 21 személy felkutatása érdekében. Erőteljesen árad a Duna a fővárosban, a budapesti szakaszon is folyamatosan nő a vízszint. Jelenleg 5 méter körüli a vízállás, a Duna 10-15 fokos lehetett, amikor a baleset történt. (Forrás: MTI/M1/Híradó): https://tinyurl.com/y4eoeb6
2019. V. 27. Az önkormányzati választások szempontjából is jelentős átalakulásokat hozhat a tegnapi választás. Azzal, hogy az összes megyében és Budapesten is a Demokratikus Koalíció lett a legerősebb ellenzéki párt, Gyurcsány Ferenc kezébe veheti az ellenzék irányítását, s a korábban megkötött megállapodások újratárgyalása is elindulhat. Fontos tényező az őszi választások előtt, hogy Budapesten is a Fidesz-KDNP lett a legerősebb párt, fővárosi eredménye meghaladta a 40 százalékot. Ez a szavazatarány egybecseng a Nézőpont Intézet 2018 szeptemberi budapesti felmérésével, amelyből az is kiderült, hogy Tarlós népszerűsége még a kormánypártokénál is 11 százalékponttal magasabb. Tarlós kedvező helyzetét erősíti továbbá, hogy Karácsony egymás után keveredik botrányos ügyekbe, és egyre szélesebb körben terjed el róla az a kép, hogy teljességgel alkalmatlan a főváros vezetésére. Rossz előjel az ellenzék számára, hogy még a baloldali erősségként számon tartott XIII. kerületben is 30 százalék fölötti eredményt értek el a kormánypártok. Szintén beszédes, hogy a fővárosban egyik ellenzéki párt sem ért el 20 százalékot. A DK 19,79, a Momentum 17,35, az MSZP-P 9,04 százalékot ért el, a többi párt eredménye pedig 5 százalék alatt maradt a fővárosban. A Fidesz-KDNP minden megyei jogú városban 40 százaléknál magasabb eredményt ért el. Az ellenzéki térfélen a DK erősödése mellett a Jobbik kudarca alakíthatja át az eddigi megállapodásokat. (Forrás: NézőpontIntézet)
2019. V. 22. Az Eurostat adatai szerint 2015 és 2017 között Magyarországon nőtt a legnagyobb mértékben – 113 százalékkal – az Európai Unión kívülről érkezőknek adott tartózkodási engedélyek száma. Míg 2014-ben 40,085, 2015-ben 45,468, 2016-ban pedig 54,814 ember kapott ilyen engedélyt, addig 2017-ben a magyar állam 117,026 nem uniós állampolgárnak adott ki érvényes tartózkodási engedélyt. A Bevándorlási és Menekültügyi Hivatal adatai alapján tavaly decemberben 263 ezer külföldi tartózkodott Magyarországon huzamosan, jogszerűen. 2018-ban 111 ezren kértek tartózkodási engedélyt. (Forrás: Index)
2019. V. 22. FankaDeli - Kultúrháború (I. rész) /video/ (Forrás: YouTube): https://tinyurl.com/y56vpwxm
May 30, 2019 Austria has named Bierlein as interim chancellor, the first woman to hold the position, after being chosen by the country's president to govern until elections are held in September. Bierlein, 69, has been president of the constitutional court since last year and previously held several senior positions as a judge and prosecutor. (Source: AlJazeera)
27 May 2019 Kurz, whose People’s party got the largest share of the country’s vote in the European elections ousted in no-confidence vote, motion, backed by Social Democrat and far-right Freedom party MPs. Austria will be governed by a technocratic administration of experts and senior civil servants until fresh elections scheduled for early September. A video last week showed Strache, the FPÖ leader, and his parliamentary leader, Gudenus, talking to an unidentified woman purporting to be the niece of a Russian oligarch about how she could invest in Austria. Media reports have identified the Viennese lawyer Mirfakhrai as the middleman who put the FPÖ politicians in touch with the purported heiress. The Austrian tabloid Krone identified the woman at the centre of the video as a Bosnian student of agricultural science, and claimed that she had received a payment of between €6,000 and €7,000 for her performance. (Source: TheGuardian)
2019. V. 21. Illegális bevándorlók százai leptek el a Charles de Gaulle párizsi repülőteret, hogy kikényszerítsék saját befogadásukat. A magukat a sárgamellényesek után „feketemellényesekként” aposztrofáló tüntetők többek között olyanokat kiabáltak a megafonba, hogy „Franciaország nem a franciáéké”, illetve hogy „minden afrikainak joga van itt lenni”. /video/ (Forrás: MagyarNemzet): https://tinyurl.com/y4m6dot7
May 24, 2019 Germany’s military is investigating what information three Chinese reporters collected while Chancellor Angela Merkel visited a NATO unit, the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force training area at Munster, Germany, on May 20. The Xinhua reporters raised suspicion by filming military equipment and interviewing soldiers about their daily routines. (Source: Bloomberg)
Great Britain
May 24, 2019 May’s Final Humiliation. May will step down as the leader of the Conservative Party on June 7. She will remain prime minister until the party chooses a new leader. When May succeeded David Cameron as prime minister in July 2016, she inherited a parliamentary majority and a 20-point lead in the polls over the opposition Labour Party. (Source: TheAtlantic)
European Parliament
May 27, 2019 Voters revolt against traditional centrists. The EPP was on track to secure 180 seats, down from 217 five years ago. The Socialists were slated to win 145, down from 187. France’s pro-EU president and the leader of Italy’s euroskeptic, far-right movement jockeyed for the role of chief powerbroker on the continent after elections to the European Parliament hollowed out the traditional political middle. The four days of balloting that drew to a close across the European Union’s 28 countries ended the domination of the main center-right and center-left parties in Parliament and established the anti-EU forces on the right and the environmentalists on the left as forces to be reckoned with. The results could make the business of governing Europe even trickier, leaving the Parliament deadlocked over key issues to come, including immigration, a major trade agreement with the United States, global warming, regulation of the tech industry and, of course, Brexit. In France, President Macron’s party narrowly lost to the French far-right, led by Le Pen. Macron's party was poised to secure 21 seats to 22 for Le Pen’s National Rally. In Italy, Salvini’s right-wing League party won a third of the country’s vote and is poised to become one of the biggest parties in the European Parliament with 28 seats in the 751-seat legislature. By midday, he had already spoken to Le Pen, Hungary’s hardline anti-immigrant prime minister, Viktor Orbán, and Brexit Party leader Farage was promising to singlehandedly bring together a contradiction in terms - an international group of nationalists. Riding what they called Europe’s “green wave,” environmentalist parties seeking action on climate change made strong gains, notably in Germany. Another mainstream formation, the free-market ALDE group backed by Macron, saw its stake in the Parliament rise to 109 seats, from 68 in 2014. New and uncomfortable alliances must be forged, and nearly all will require some combination of ALDE and the Greens. Macron launched a flurry of meetings ahead of the dinner summit tomorrow where the EU countries’ presidents and prime ministers will take stock of the election results. He started with Spain and was due to hold talks with the leaders of Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Bannon, who helped propel Trump’s populist campaign to the White House, was in Paris today to celebrate the victories of like-minded parties in Europe. He predicted the far-right will prevail by grinding the European Parliament to a halt: “Every day will be like Stalingrad.” (Source: AP)
May 26, 2019 Current European lawmakers’ terms end July 1, and the new parliament will be seated the following day. Europe has been roiled in the past few years by immigration from the Mideast and Africa and deadly attacks by Islamic extremists. It has also seen rising tensions over economic inequality and growing hostility toward the political establishment. Projections released by the Parliament last month showed the EPP bloc losing 37 of its 217 seats and the S&D group dropping from 186 seats to 149. On the far-right flank, the Europe of Nations and Freedom group was predicted to increase its bloc from 37 to 62 seats. A European Parliament election that could reshape the political order across the continent drew toward a close with the anti-immigrant far right projected to win in France, and Germany’s centrist governing party headed for heavy losses as well. The four days of balloting across the 28 European Union countries were seen as a test of the influence of the nationalist, populist and hard-right movements that have swept the continent. Exit polls in France indicated that Le Pen’s far-right National Rally party came out on top, in an astounding rebuke for French President Macron, who has made EU integration the heart of his presidency. Exit polls indicated the party of German Chancellor Angela Merkel also suffered major losses. With the stakes high, turnout across the bloc - not counting Britain, which is quitting the EU - was put a preliminary 51%, a 20-year high. An estimated 426 million people were eligible to vote in what was considered the most important European Parliament election in decades. Full results were expected overnight. The balloting pitted supporters of closer unity against those who consider the EU a meddlesome and bureaucratic presence and want to return power to national governments and sharply restrict immigration. Italy’s Interior Minister Salvini, a major figure among the anti-migrant hard-line nationalists, said that he felt a “change in the air” and that a victory by his right-wing League party would “change everything in Europe.” Mainstream center-right and center-left parties were widely expected to hold on to power in the 751-seat legislature that sits in both Brussels and Strasbourg. But the nationalist and populist parties that are hostile to the EU were expected to make important gains that could complicate the workings of the Parliament. Hungary’s increasingly authoritarian prime minister Viktor Orbán, a possible ally of Salvini, said he hopes the election will bring a shift toward political parties that want to stop migration. The migration issue “will reorganize the political spectrum in the European Union,” he said. Britain's EU lawmakers would lose their jobs as soon as Brexit happens. Once the elections are over, European leaders will begin the task of selecting candidates for the top jobs in the EU’s headquarters in Brussels. The leaders meet for a summit over dinner on May 28. (Source: AP)
Európai Bíróság
2019. V. 21. Az Európai Bizottság a külföldi spekulánsok érdekeit védve támadta meg a magyar földtörvényt az Európai Unió bíróságán. A 2014 óta életben lévő magyar törvény véget vetett a nemzeti érdekeket feladó balliberális földpolitikának, amellyel zsebszerződéseken keresztül külföldi spekulánsok kezére játszották a magyar földeket. A nemzeti kormány által bevezetett törvény - sok más uniós tagállaméhoz hasonlóan - korlátozza a termőföld tulajdonának megszerzését és használatát külföldiek számára, és több százezer hektár magyar földet mentett meg attól, hogy a külföldiek földvásárlási moratóriuma után spekulánsok kezére kerüljön. 2013-ban elfogadott magyar földtörvény papíron lehetővé tette, hogy egy külföldi személy földet vegyen Magyarországon, de olyan feltételekhez kötötte, ami alapján a gyakorlatban szinte lehetetlen ügy egy külföldinek a magyarországi földvásárlás. A törvény a külföldi uniós állampolgárok haszonélvezeti jogát is megszüntette. Az Európai Bíróság közölte: a magyar földtörvény korlátozza a külföldi befektetők haszonélvezeti jogait, emiatt Magyarország nem teljesítette a tőke szabad mozgásának elvéből és a Chartában biztosított tulajdonhoz való jogból eredő kötelezettségeit. (Forrás: Index)
28 May, 2019 China accounted for 80% of the rare earths - a group of 17 chemical elements used in high-technology consumer electronics and military equipment - the United States imported from 2014 to 2017. So far, Chinese rare-earth exports have been spared from recent tariffs by the United States, which has decided not to impose import duties on those and some other critical minerals from China as part of the trade war. Beijing, however, has raised tariffs on imports of U.S. rare-earth metal ores from 10% to 25% from June 1, making it less economical to process the material in China. (Source: Reuters)
May 23, 2017 China is to blame for much of the increase in illegal ozone-depleting substances (ODS) since 2013, according to a study published by the journal Nature. About 40 to 60 per cent of the global rise in the prohibited ozone-destroying refrigerant trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11) since 2013 could be attributed to the industrial provinces of Shandong and Hebei in northern China, researchers from Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and Britain's University of Bristol said. CFC-11, once used in refrigerators and air conditioners, is one of the chemicals banned under the Montreal Protocol, a treaty to protect the Earth's ozone layer by phasing out all global CFC production by 2010. CFC-11 in the atmosphere declined substantially until 2012, but has since rebounded. China ratified the treaty in 1991. Dozens of Chinese companies were still using the banned CFC-11 in the production of polyurethane foam. (Source: cbc.ca)
May 28, 2019 isis claims the terror group is behind a series of wildfires in Iraq and Syria over the last few weeks. Iraq’s Civil Defense Directorate said yesterday 6,103 acres of farmland had burned in 136 separate fires over the past 18 days, spanning 11 provinces. The provinces most harmed are Salahuddin, Nineveh, Kirkuk, Diyala. In threats directed at the West, isis and al-Qaeda have linked their calls for wildland arson to devastating fires stressing to supporters that they can wreak similar havoc by intentionally sparking blazes as their method of jihad. In January 2017, isis’ now-defunct Rumiyah magazine suggested targets for arson jihad to “include houses and apartment buildings, forest areas adjacent to residential areas, factories that produce cars, furniture, clothing, flammable substances, etc., gas stations, hospitals, bars, dance clubs, night clubs, banks, car showrooms, schools, universities, as well as churches, Rafidi [Shiite] temples, and so forth. The options are vast, leaving no excuse for delay.” (Source: HomelandSecurityToday)
United States
May 31, 2019 President Trump said he would impose a 5 percent tariff on all goods entering from Mexico unless it stopped the flow of illegal immigration to the United States. The White House plans to begin levying the import penalties on June 10 and ratchet the penalties higher if the migrant flow isn’t halted. Trump said he would remove the tariffs only if all illegal migration across the border ceased. After the 5 percent tariffs are imposed on June 10, the White House said it would increase the penalties to 10 percent on July 1 and then an additional 5 percent on the first day of each month for three months. The tariffs would stay at 25 percent. Tariffs are paid by companies that import products, so U.S. firms would pay the import penalties and then likely pass some costs along to consumers. Mexico exported $346.5 billion in goods to the United States last year, from vehicles to electrical machinery, machinery, mineral fuels, optical and medical instruments, fruits and vegetables. And many manufactured items cross the border several times as they are being assembled. Trump has powers under a 1977 law to impose tariffs on all imports from certain countries if he cites a “national emergency.” And several months ago, Trump declared a national emergency along the Mexico border because of a surge in migrants crossing into the United States. On May 29 more than 1,000 Central Americans crossed into the El Paso area to surrender to U.S. authorities, the largest group of migrants that U.S. border agents have taken into custody at a single time. The draft trade agreement sent to Congress yesterday would, if ratified, replace the 1994 NAFTA deal. Along the Mexico border, U.S. agents have detained more than 100,000 migrants for each of the past two months, and the numbers in May are expected to be the highest yet. In recent months, smuggling organizations have been moving large numbers of migrants from southern Mexico using “express buses” that reach the U.S. border in a matter of days. U.S. officials say corrupt Mexican officials are allowing the buses to pass through highway checkpoints and in other cases facilitating their travel to the border by providing security escorts. Mexican officials have said they’re doing everything they can to regulate the migration surge, and they provide police escorts in some cases to prevent criminal organizations from kidnapping and extorting families traveling with small children. (Source: msn)
May 29, 2019 The United States believes Russia may be conducting low-level nuclear testing in violation of a moratorium on such tests. Negotiated in the 1990s, the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) enjoys wide global support but must be ratified by eight more nuclear technology states - among them Israel, Iran, Egypt and the United States - to come into force. Russia ratified the treaty in 2000. (Source: Reuters)
May 27, 2019 'American soil' is increasingly foreign owned. When the stock market tanked during the past recession, foreign investors began buying up big swaths of U.S. farmland. And because there are no federal restrictions on the amount of land that can be foreign owned, it's been left up to individual states to decide on any limitations. Today nearly 30 million acres of U.S. farmland are held by foreign investors. With the median age of U.S. farmers at 55, many face retirement with no prospect of family members willing to take over. The National Young Farmers Coalition anticipates that two-thirds of the nation's farmland will change hands in the next few decades. Ohio, like Texas, also has no restrictions, and nearly half a million acres of prime farmland are held by foreign-owned entities. In the northwestern corner of the state, below Toledo, companies from the Netherlands alone have purchased 64,000 acres for wind farms. U.S. farmers and corporations also invest in overseas agriculture, owning billions of dollars of farmland from Australia to Brazil, but the Smithfield Food buyout has really raised concerns with American farmers. Nationwide, Canadian investors own the most farmland. In Ohio, it's Germany, with 71,000 acres. (Source: ThisWestisOurWest)
May 26, 2019 Celebrated across the world for his campaign against racial injustice. Along with many US civil rights figures, King was subject to an FBI campaign of surveillance ordered by Director Hoover in an effort to undermine his power amid fears he could have links to the Communist Party. Secret FBI tapes that accuse King of having extramarital affairs with '40 to 45 women' and even claim he 'looked on and laughed' as a pastor friend raped a parishione. The civil rights hero was also heard allegedly joking he was the founder of the 'International Association for the Advancement of P***y-Eaters,' Writing in British magazine Standpoint, Garrow who won a Pulitzer Prize for his 1987 book Bearing the Cross about the Baptist minister says. King and a dozen others allegedly participated in a 'sex orgy' engaging in 'acts of degeneracy and depravity'. King was assassinated in 1968 by Ray but many conspiracy theories suggest that the government was involved. The FBI surveillance tapes are being held in a vault at the U.S. National Archives and are not due for release until 2027. (Source: Mail)
May 25, 2019 Dumped online in April 2017 by a still-unidentified group calling itself the Shadow Brokers, EternalBlue exploits a flaw in unpatched Microsoft software. Since 2017, when the N.S.A. lost control of the tool, EternalBlue, it has been picked up by state hackers in North Korea, Russia and, more recently, China, to cut a path of destruction around the world, leaving billions of dollars in damage. But over the past year, the cyberweapon has boomeranged back and is now showing up in the N.S.A.’s own backyard. It is not just in Baltimore. Security experts say EternalBlue attacks have reached a high, and cybercriminals are zeroing in on vulnerable American towns and cities, from Pennsylvania to Texas, paralyzing local governments and driving up costs. Years later, the NSA agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation still do not know whether the Shadow Brokers are foreign spies or disgruntled insiders. Now the tool is hitting the United States where it is most vulnerable, in local governments with aging digital infrastructure and fewer resources to defend themselves. North Korea was the first nation to co-opt the tool, for an attack in 2017 - called WannaCry - that paralyzed the British health care system, German railroads and some 200,000 organizations around the world. Next was Russia, which used the weapon in an attack - called NotPetya - that was aimed at Ukraine but spread across major companies doing business in the country. The assault cost FedEx more than $400 million and Merck, the pharmaceutical giant, $670 million. The damage didn’t stop there. In the past year, the same Russian hackers who targeted the 2016 American presidential election used EternalBlue to compromise hotel Wi-Fi networks. Iranian hackers have used it to spread ransomware and hack airlines in the Middle East. Last year, Microsoft, along with Google and Facebook, joined 50 countries in signing on to a similar call by French President Macron - the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace - to end “malicious cyber activities in peacetime.” Notably absent from the signatories were the world’s most aggressive cyberactors: China, Iran, Israel, North Korea, Russia - and the United States. (Source: msn)
24 May 2019 Pentagon eyes expanding DARPA future warfare research office. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency would absorb the Strategic Capabilities Office (SCO) and centralize more research units under the Pentagon's Chief Technology Officer Griffin, the undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, initiatives including hypersonic weapons, lasers and space-based projects. If all of Strategic Capabilities Office's (SCO) $1.3 billion 2020 budget request were transferred to DARPA, it would gain control over 37 percent more funding on top of its 2020 funding request of $3.5 billion. (Source: Reuters)
Marshall Islands
May 28, 2019 Researchers have found high levels of radiation in giant clams near the Central Pacific site where the United States entombed waste from nuclear testing almost four decades ago, raising concerns the contamination is spreading from the dump site’s tainted groundwater into the ocean and the food chain. Between 1946 and 1958, the United States tested 67 nuclear devices in the Marshall Islands, including 44 in Enewetak Atoll, one of the nation’s 29 coral atolls. The U.S. began construction on the dome in 1977, after the Marshallese had demanded for decades that U.S. officials clean up the waste. Between 1977 and 1980, the United States enlisted roughly 4,000 U.S. soldiers and subcontractors to clean the site. (Source: Los AngelesTimes)
May 28, 2019 Globalists to meet in Montreux, Switzerland. Bilderberg 2019: full agenda and participants List. (Source: InfoWars): https://tinyurl.com/y2hzulf2
May 31, 2019 The so-called transient lunar phenomena have been known since the 1950s. They occur several times a week and illuminate parts of the moon’s landscape for a brief period of time before disappearing. Sometimes, a reverse effect which causes the lunar surface to darken has also been observed. Aastronomers from Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) in Bavaria, Germany have set up a telescope which will use artificial intelligence to automatically detect the flashes. Seismic activities were also observed on the Moon. When the surface moves, gases that reflect sunlight could escape from the interior of the moon. This would explain the luminous phenomena, some of which last for hours. Science does not know exactly how these phenomena occur on the moon. But it has attempted to explain them: the impact of a meteor, for example, should cause a brief glow,’ the university said in a statement. Such flashes could also occur when electrically charged particles of the solar wind react with moon dust. (Source: Metro)
May 29, 2019 The probability that debris from an Indian satellite shot down earlier may puncture the International Space Station (ISS) has risen by 5%. More than 100 pieces of the debris appeared after India had tested its anti-satellite weapon, shooting down a satellite. The interceptor missile developed by India’s Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) was launched from a testing range located on Abdul Kalam Island in the Bay of Bengal. The satellite shot down by an interceptor missile was a space vehicle produced by India domestically. (Source: TASS)