Democratic Republic of Congo
March 26, 2019 The Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo has surpassed 1,000 cases. The outbreak had already killed more than 600 people. (Source: Express)
27 March 2019 Gay sex and adultery will be punishable by stoning to death and thieves will be hands or feet amputated which also apply to children, under 'vicious' new Sharia laws brought in next week by Brunei a former British protectorate of about 400,000 which already has Sharia law with homosexuality punishable with ten years' jail. Brunei was the first East Asian country to introduce Islamic criminal law in 2014 when it announced the first of three stages of legal changes that included fines or jail for offences like pregnancy outside marriage or failing to pray on Friday. Sultan Bolkiah who has reigned since 1967, rules as head of state with full executive authority. Public criticism of his policies is extremely rare in Brunei. (Source: DailyMail)
March 27, 2019 India successfully tests satellite-killer missile. With the test, which destroyed an Indian satellite orbiting around 186 miles up, India joined the U.S., Russia and China as the only nations with such capability. In the test, called Mission Shakti (Hindi for power), the ballistic missile was launched from an island off India’s east coast and took around three minutes to reach its target. (Source: TheWallStreetJournal)
24 March 2019 Illusionist Geller appealed to Mrs May to stop the Brexit process before he takes a "drastic course of action". He wrote: "I feel psychically and very strongly that most British people do not want Brexit. "I love you very much but I will not allow you to lead Britain into Brexit. As much as I admire you, I will stop you telepathically from doing this - and believe me I am capable of executing it". (Source: SkyNews)
2019)( 3 US Marines are practicing seizing small islands as a possible China fight looms in the Pacific. US Marines from the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit led a series of simulated small-island assaults on Shima Island in Japan in the Pacific, honing skills thought to be essential in a fight with China. Last week, Gen. Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress that the ability to seize advanced bases would be critical in a war with China. The exercise was part of the Corps' efforts to refine the Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations concept, which is the modern version of the World War II-era island-hopping strategy. In the Pacific, China is establishing military outposts on occupied islands in the South China Sea while seeking to extend its reach beyond the first island chain. (Source: BusinessInsider)
2019. III. 24. Kazahsztánban, az egykori KARLAG és ALZSIR táborok területén. 12 nemzet és számos nemzetiség tagjai raboskodtak ott. Az első időszakban „belső ellenségek”, illetve később deportált koreaiak a szovjet Távol-Keletről alkották a foglyok túlnyomó többségét. 1939-től lengyelek, két évvel később volgai németek is érkeztek a táborokba. 1945 után több tízezer kényszermunkára hurcolt magyar civil, illetve hadifogoly, valamint politikai elítélt is raboskodott. Csak Budapest környékéről 100 000 civilt hurcoltak hadifogságba. A szovjetek, hogy az elhúzódó ostromot indokolják, nagyon magasra tették a védők létszámát, így ehhez mérten magas számú hadifoglyok kellett prezentálniuk. Mellettük számos német, japán és lengyel, sőt francia (hadi)fogoly is sínylődött a táborokban. Nagyon magas volt a litvánok aránya akiknek 1945-től széleskörű ellenállási mozgalma bontakozott ki, amelyet csak évek múlva tudtak felszámolni a szovjetek. A megtorlás részeként Litvánia lakosságának közel 10%-át deportálták. A központi láger területén állnak az egyes nemzetek emlékművei. A KARLAG táboraiban 1931-től kezdve összesen kb. 1 millió ember raboskodott. Az ALZSIR, Asztanától mintegy 20 kilométerre lévő női tábor volt, ahol 63 nemzetiség lányai-asszonyai raboskodtak, összesen tizennyolcezren; sokan közülük „kegyvesztett” pártfunkcionáriusok feleségei. A Pécs-Baranyai Németek Nemzetiségi Köre 2017 júliusában történelmi zarándokutat szervezett az egykori Szovjetunió területére, hogy megemlékezzen az oda elhurcolt és onnan soha vissza nem tért honfitársainkról. A kazahsztáni temetők, emlékhelyek többségét egészen addig magyar részről szinte soha senki nem kereste még fel. A koreaiak mellett a lengyeleké lett a legnagyobb közösség, ők már az 1830-as évektől jelen voltak a térségben. A felosztott Lengyelország oroszok megszállta részéről deportálták őket, többnyire felkeléseket, lázadásokat követően. Az első világháború után a Szovjetunióba tagozódó Ukrajnából is rengeteg lengyelt hurcoltak Kazahsztánba, csak 1930-ban mintegy 250 000 főt. 1939-ben újabb 150 000 lengyelt deportáltak, 80%-ban nőket és gyerekeket. A háború után hiába engedélyezték nekik a hazatérést, sokan nem rendelkeztek az ehhez szükséges pénzzel. A kazahsztáni lengyel közösség létszáma a 70-es években 61 000 fő volt, ma hivatalosan 47 000 körüli a számuk, de egyes kutatók 100 000 és 400 000 közötti becslésekről is írtak. Katolikus papokat és számos hívőt (nem csak lengyeleket) is deportáltak; az ő leszármazottaik alkotják a mai kazahsztáni római katolikus egyházat, amelynek központja Karagandában van. Itt hunyt el Chira, titokban felszentelt munkácsi görögkatolikus püspök 1983-ban. 1920-ban szentelték pappá, 1924 és 1949 között Ungváron volt előbb a szeminárium tanára, végül rektora. 1943-tól pápai prelátus is volt. A szovjetek 1944 szeptemberi bevonulása idején szentelték püspökké a szükséghelyzet miatt. Miután nem volt hajlandó betérni az ortodox egyházba, 1949-ben 25 évre ítélték szovjetellenes agitáció és propaganda vádjával. Büntetését az irkutszki kerület több településén, elsősorban szénbányákban töltötte. 1956-os szabadlábra helyezése után hazatért és bekapcsolódott a munkácsi görögkatolikus egyházmegye „földalatti” működésébe. Pár hónappal később ismét elfogták, ekkor Karagandába száműzték, ahol a lengyelek, litvánok, lettek és ukránok titkos lelkipásztora lett. 1977-ben, miután engedélyezték plébánia alapítását, segédlelkészként szolgált. Többször hazalátogatott, ilyenkor titokban püspököket szentelt Kárpátalján, amivel nagyban segítette a görögkatolikus egyház megmaradását. Boldoggá avatási eljárásának egyházmegyei szakasza 1997. december 14-én kezdődött el. (Forrás: NapiTörténelmiForrás)
Mount Everest
March 22, 2019 Melting glaciers on Mount Everest are revealing the bodies of dead climbers. Some 293 people have lost their lives since the first attempt to scale Everest in 1921, 118 of whom were Sherpa guides. China said in January it would reduce the number of climbers by one-third this year as part of plans for a major cleanup of the mountain that straddles the border between the countries. Bodies are also being removed from the northern side of the mountain, which is in China’s autonomous region, Tibet. China also closed its Everest base camp to tourists for an indefinite period earlier this year as part of the cleanup effort. (Source: FoxNews)
March 21, 2019 isis caliphate has crumbled and last stronghold liberated. In the end, the majority surrendered. In fact, since the start of the year about 60,000 have dripped into the desert, and most are now held in camps. The SDF has asked for U.S. support in setting up a tribunal here to prosecute them. SDF fighters are all so grateful to the U.S., not just for their help in the battle, but now for its decision to leave troops here when it’s done. Reports now suggest the figure may be around 1,000 staying. (Source: FoxNews)
2019. III. 28. Erdogan török elnök dzsámivá alakíttatná az isztambuli Hagia Sophia múzeumot. Jelezte, hogy a lépésre a március 31-re kitűzött helyhatósági választásokat követően kerül sor. A Hagia Sophia 1935 óta múzeum, és Isztambul egyik legkiemelkedőbb turista-látványossága. Az épület 537-től a Bizánci Birodalom legfontosabb székesegyháza és az ortodox keresztény világ központja volt. Konstantinápoly 1453-as elfoglalása után az oszmán vezetők dzsámivá alakíttatták át a katedrálist. A 20. században Atatürk, a modern Törökország atyja múzeummá alakíttatta át az épületet, amely a fiatal köztársaság világi jellegét volt hivatott hangsúlyozni. (Forrás: Mandiner)
Egyesült Államok United States
2019. III. 30. A gengszter-rap hadat üzent a többségi társadalomnak. Feminista Jones (sic!) fekete író és szociális munkás a Time-ban közölt cikkében arra mutat rá, hogy míg a fekete nők csupán az amerikai lakosság 8%-át teszik ki, a családon vagy kapcsolaton belüli erőszak halálos áldozatainak 22%-a, az összes bántalmazott nőnek pedig 29%-a fekete nő. Kisebbségi csoportoknál – és kiemelten a feketéknél – jóval gyakoribbak a párkapcsolaton belüli erőszakos cselekmények. 2010-es adatok szerint a fekete gyerekek 72%-a házasságon kívül születik. Egy még frissebb kutatásból az derül ki, hogy 47%-ukat egyedül neveli fel az anyja. A fekete kamaszfiúk a legprimitívebb macsóizmus imitálásával próbálják megszilárdítani az identitásukat. Könnyű belecsúszni ebben az ügyben a (súlyosabb esetben feminista világfájdalommal átitatott) olcsó moralizálásba, azt viszont tényszerűen megállapíthatjuk, hogy a mai fekete populáris kultúra, ami az önmegvalósítás és a társas élet mintáit közvetíti a fiatalok felé (és persze nem csak feléjük: a hip-hop évek óta megingathatatlanul uralja a hallgatottsági listákat), az egész rap szcéna rémisztően agresszívan viszonyul a nőkhöz. A nőgyűlölet a gettólakók nihilista világ- és önképének szerves részét képezi. Miután a hatvanas években, a polgárjogi harcok nyomán öntudatra ébredt a fekete közösség, a legradikálisabbak a kirekesztő (vagy annak érzett) többségi társadalom burzsoá moráljának totális elvetésében találták meg az önkifejezés módját. A tamásbátyaság látszatát is elkerülni igyekvő feketék a perifériás létezés véres barbárságát avatták új ideállá. A fogyasztói társadalom egyik mai alappillérének számító modern fekete pop-kultúra rendszerszerűen alacsonyítja le és veszi semmibe a nőket. Fekete popkultúra agresszív fordulatát előlegezték meg a hetvenes években az erőszak, a szex, az alvilági élet sokkoló ábrázolásával operáló blaxpoitation-filmek, amelyek arra szolgáltak, hogy a feketék önálló narratívát teremtsenek. (Forrás: Mandiner)
March 30, 2019 The U.S. government cut aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras after President Trump blasted the Central American countries for sending migrants to the United States and threatened to shutter the U.S.-Mexico border. (Source: Reuters)
March 30, 2019 At least 405,000 hectares of U.S. farmland were flooded from the Dakotas to Missouri and beyond after the "bomb cyclone" storm left wide swaths of nine major grain producing states under water this month. The floods, which came just weeks before planting season starts in the Midwest, will likely reduce corn, wheat and soy production this year. The water has also destroyed billions of dollars of old crops that were in storage. (Source: Reuters)
March 27, 2019 Current estimates: more than 36,000 border crossers and illegal aliens have been released from DHS custody every month since the beginning of the year. In 2019, there will be up to 500,000 illegal aliens at the southern border who successfully cross into the U.S. undetected by Border Patrol agents, usually only deported after they commit a crime in the U.S. There could potentially be about 630,000 illegal aliens added to the U.S. population after overstaying their visas. The number of illegal aliens added to the U.S. population are at around one to 1.5 million, on top of the 11 to 22 million illegal aliens who are already living across the country. There continue to be only about 95,000 deportations of illegal aliens living in the U.S. In terms of healthcare costs, illegal aliens and their U.S.-born child cost the American taxpayers about $17 billion a year. Annual illegal immigration costs American taxpayers $116 billion. The nation’s Washington, DC-imposed mass legal and illegal immigration policy - whereby at least 1.5 million unskilled foreign nationals are admitted to the U.S. every year - is a boon to corporate executives, Wall Street, big business, and multinational conglomerates, as America’s working and middle class have their wealth redistributed to the country’s top earners through wage stagnation. Research by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine has discovered that immigration to the country shifts about $500 billion in wages away from working and middle class Americans toward new arrivals and economic elites. (Source: Breitbart)
March 25, 2019 The left ruins everything /"A baloldal mindent tönkretesz"/ (video) /Forrás: YouTube): https://tinyurl.com/y2npdho9
2 741 068 views
March 25, 2019 Mueller exposes spy chiefs. In light of Mr. Mueller’s findings, there are only two ways to interpret these actions and statements from senior members of the intelligence community. The first is that they got played because they were incompetent. Anyone who reads the compromising texts between FBI master spy Strzok and his FBI lover, Page, might well find the clown argument persuasive. But there’s something even worse than an intelligence community that has been played. It’s an intelligence community that chose to play along simply because its members hated Trump. For a full reckoning, America will need an accounting of the evidence used to launch that counterintelligence probe, the unmasking of officials, the leaks, and the likely abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants. The lesson here is this: Be careful what you wish for. Because the questions this special prosecutor has unleashed might yet yield federal criminal indictments. Just not for the people the fantasists of Russian collusion expected. (Source: WSJ)
March 23, 2019 Currently, Mueller's probe has yielded seven guilty pleas and 99.5 months in prison served, and 34 individuals and three separate companies have been charged. A brief timeline of the investigation: 2013: The FBI conducts interviews of Trump associates Manafort and Page as it relates to conducting business with foreign actors. 2014: The Internet Research Agency (IRA) leads Russian efforts to interfere in the U.S political system, including the 2016 presidential election. July 2015: The FBI opens investigation into Mrs Clinton's use of private email server while she was secretary of state. September 2015: The FBI becomes aware of Russian hack into DNC tries to inform DNC June 9, 2016: Manafort, Kushner and Trump Jr. meet at Trump Tower with Russian lawyer who promised "dirt" on Mrs. Clinton. The meeting was arranged by Trump Jr. and Goldstone, the publicist for pop star Algarov. Goldstone told Trump Jr. that the information comes from the Kremlin. October 7 2016: WikiLeaks releases messages stolen from the personal email account of Mrs. Clinton's campaign chairman, Podesta. January 6, 2017: The Office of the Director of National Intelligence releases a declassified version of a highly sensitive report accusing the Kremlin of organizing a sophisticated influence campaign "to help President-elect Trump's election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton." Both President Obama and President-elect Trump are briefed on the report. They are both also briefed on a 35-page dossier compiled by former British spy, Steele, that alleges the Kremlin had compromising information on President-elect Trump. January 20, 2017: Trump is sworn in as 45th president. February 14, 2017: In a private meeting in the Oval Office, President Trump asks FBI Director Comey to end the investigation into Flynn. He adds, "He is a good guy, I hope you can let this go." Comey documented the meeting in a memo. March 20, 2017: Testifying before the House Intelligence Committee, FBI Director Comey confirmed the existence of a federal investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. May 9, 2017: President Trump fires FBI Director Comey. May 17 , 2017: Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein appoints Mueller as Special Counsel to oversee a "full and thorough investigation of the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election." He also authorizes Mueller to investigate "any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation," and "any other matters" within the scope of the special counsel law. October 30, 2017: Former Trump aides Manafort and Gates are indicted on various charges, including conspiracy and money laundering. On the same day, Papadopoulos pleads guilty to making false statements to the FBI and agrees to cooperate with federal investigators. December 1, 2017 : Flynn pleads guilty to making false statements to the FBI and agrees to cooperate with the special counsel. February 16, 2018: The Justice Department announces charges against 13 Russian nationals and three companies for operating a sophisticated network designed to meddle in the 2016 American election and aid the candidacy of Trump. February 23, 2018: Gates pleads guilty to lying and conspiracy against the U.S. April 4, 2018: Dutch lawyer van der Zwaan, of Skadden Arps, is sentenced to 30 days in prison and fined $20,000 for making false statements to investigators about work he had done for Ukraine. August 21, 2018: Federal jury finds Manafort guilty of eight criminal counts, including tax fraud. The court declares a mistrial on 10 other counts faced by Manafort. August 21, 2018: Cohen pleads guilty to violating campaign finance laws and other charges. He says the president instructed him to make payments to two women during the presidential campaign to prevent them from publicly discussing affairs they claim to have had with Mr. Trump. September 7, 2018: Papadopoulos is sentenced to serve two weeks in prison and pay nearly $10,000 for lying to federal investigators. March 13, 2019: Manafort receives final sentence from District of Columbia federal court. He'll serve over seven years in prison combined for convictions in Virginia and the District of Columbia. (Source: CNS)
March 22, 2019 So Mueller is finished. It is possible to note some things did not happen during the Mueller investigation. Mueller did not indict Trump Jr., Kushner, or other people whose purported legal jeopardy was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year. Mueller did not charge anyone in the Trump campaign or circle with conspiring with Russia to fix the 2016 election, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year. Mueller did not subpoena the president, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year. The president did not fire Mueller, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year. The president did not interfere with the Mueller investigation, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year. House Democrats ramped up new Trump-Russia investigations in recent weeks to make sure that it will never be over. (Source: WashingtonExaminer)
(March, 2019) Nothingburger (Source: Instagram / Gorka): http://tinyurl.com/yxkd94el
March 21, 2019 The UFO community still believes. It would be four years before she told anyone her story, before she’d discover the Mutual Unidentified Flying Objects Network, a nationwide organization 50 years old, and file her report. (Source: TheInquirer): http://tinyurl.com/y2xvaxjj
March 21, 2019 Rise in migrants at sea. Across Southern California, 1,022 migrants were intercepted at sea in the fiscal year ending Sept. 30. That was up from 213 in 2017 and 142 in 2016. 158 smuggling operations in the area have been stopped, leading to the arrest of more than 500 undocumented migrants, including 108 who are believed to have been organizing the smuggling efforts. Those numbers are small compared with the 521,090 apprehensions at the southern border in 2018. But the practice at sea is lucrative for those who facilitate it. Smugglers charge about $10,000 per person to get into the United States, and even more for Chinese migrants, who fly to Tijuana first. (Source: StarsandStripes)
28 March 2019 Analysts Goryachy and Ermolov from Positive Technologies alleged that Intel chips and processors contain an enigmatic ‘logic signal analyser’ capable of reading ‘almost all data on a computer’. They revealed their findings at the Black Hat Conference, a gathering of hackers and cybersecurity specialists in Singapore. The analyser was discovered in the Platform Controller Hub (PCH) on Intel motherboards as well as the main processor itself. Together, these parts of the computer serve as its ‘brain’. It’s called VISA and can potentially allow hackers or spies to access the information stored in the computer memory to ‘capture and analyse’ data, as well as the information generated by ‘peripherals’ – the name for computer accessories which could include anything from a webcam to a mouse. Normally, VISA is turned off in commercial systems. Yet the researchers claimed to have found a way to switch it on, to access Intel VISA on ordinary motherboards, with no specific equipment needed,’ said Goryachy. The Intel VISA issue relies on physical access and a previously mitigated vulnerability,’ Intel told. (Source: Metro)
March 28, 2019 In just five decades, disease Bd - Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis - has nearly decimated amphibians' ranks. The fungus finally identified, in 1998 has caused the decline of 501 amphibian species - about 6.5 percent of the known total. Of these, 90 have been wiped out entirely. Another 124 have fallen by more than 90 percent, and their odds of recovery are slim. Bd had originated somewhere in Asia, it doesn’t fade out, and it cannot be removed. New fungal diseases seem to be emerging at an ever-increasing pace, affecting bats, snakes, salamanders, and more. (Source: TheAtlantic)
March 21, 2019 Facebook Inc. disclosed a flaw on its social network that made passwords of hundreds of millions of users visible to employees and said the issue has now been fixed. (Source: Bloomberg)
March 28, 2019 Analysis and debris simulation of India's direct ascent ASAT weapons test on 3-27-2019 (video) /Source: YouTube/ AnalyticalGraphics/: http://tinyurl.com/y27zmdpq
Note: As many as 6,500 pieces of the Microsat-R Earth observation satellite are now circling Earth, according to the simulation.