2019. I. 10. Három éve tart Beke és Szőcs jogi meghurcoltatása az elhíresült „székely terroristaperben”, hat hónapja ismét börtönben vannak, ezúttal öt évre elítélve. A fellebbviteli bíróság indoklása szerint a bűntett abból a célból volt elkövetve, hogy azzal a román etnikumú közösséget megfélemlítsék és meggyőzzék a román nemzeti hatóságokat arról, hogy az elkövetkezőkben szándékukban se álljon ilyen jellegű rendezvényeket szervezni. A bírósági indoklás a Kézdivásárhely főterén megszervezett december elsejei ünnepségre céloz. Azzal, hogy a fellebbviteli bíróság az előterjesztett vádirattól egy teljesen idegen elkövetési szándékot állapított meg, jogszerűtlenül történt a bűntény jogi besorolása a Büntető Perrendtartási Törvénykönyv 386. paragrafusának megszegésével. Gyakorlatilag azt a bűntényt, amellyel Bekét bíróság elé állították, és alapfokon felmentették, a fellebbviteli bíróság egy másik, a vádiratban nem szereplő bűnténnyel helyettesítette be, holott bármelyik eljárási fokon a bíróságoknak korlátozódniuk kell a vádiratban leírt bűntettekre és az elkövető személyekre. A Legfelsőbb Ítélő- és Semmítőszék helyt adott a Szervezett Bűnözés és Terrorizmus Elleni Igazgatóság kérésének arra vonatkozóan, hogy megváltoztassák a Beke ellen felhozott vád jogi besorolását. Gyakorlatilag tehát a bűntény behelyettesítését kérték egy másik bűntényre. Ez az eljárás súlyos jogi kihágás, mert megszegte a büntetőtörvénykönyv előírásait, miszerint a fellebbviteli jogi fórumokon a bűntett leírása nem lehet eltérő a vádiratban leírtaknál. Egy törvénytelenséggel gyakorlatilag a büntetőeljárást kiterjesztették egy új, addig nem szereplő bűntettre, holott a jelenlegi Büntető Perrendtartási Törvénykönyv ilyen eljárásra nem ad lehetőséget. (Forrás: ErdélyiNapló)
8th Ianuary 2019 Magnitz, chairman of Germany’s AfD party, was left with a gaping wound in his head after he was reportedly knocked in Frankfurt unconscious by three attackers in an “attempted assassination". (Source: TheSun)
4th January 2018 Private chats, financial and contact details of Germany's Chancellor Merkel and her colleagues and opponents have been posted last month in the form of a digital advent calendar on Twitter. (Source: BBC)
4th January 2019 A suspected case of deadly Ebola virus has been reported in region Uppsala, Sweden. The patient who was admitted to a hospital in Enkoping returned from a trip to Burundi, which borders the African nation of Congo Democrat Republic three weeks ago. (Source: TheSun)
January 4, 2018 Moscow is adding Kalibr land attack cruise missiles to both warships and missile submarines that Moscow plans to use in Atlantic patrols near the United States. The land-attack version of the Kalibr, known as the SS-N-30A by NATO, is a relatively new weapon and was showcased for the first time by Moscow in attacks on Syria that began in 2015. The Kalibr was deployed on Russia's new Sverodvinsk-class nuclear attack submarine as well as older submarines and surface warships. A total of 32 Kalibrs can be launched from missile tubes on the new submarine. The Kalibr land attack missile has a range of between 930 miles and 1,550 miles. The Kalibr also comes in an export version known as the Klub that are deployed in a launch cannister disguised as a shipping container, making it an ideal missile to fire from the deck of a merchant vessel. (Source: FreeBeacon)
European Union
(January 2019) This report presents the main findings of European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)’s second survey on Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions of hate crime, discrimination and antisemitism. It analyses data from the responses of 16,395 self-identified Jewish people (aged 16 or over) in 12 EU member states – Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. These member states are home to over 96 % of the EU’s estimated Jewish population. In addition to the 12 EU member states mentioned above, FRA also carried out the survey in Latvia. The survey was carried out online during May and June 2018. (Source: FRA.Europa): https://tinyurl.com/ufablo7
2019 Jan 6 El-Sisi sees himself as a guardian against the chaos that destroyed Syria, Libya and Yemen. But critics, including Obama national security official Miller, argue that repression stands to make Egypt more explosive, not less. President El-Sisi is fighting terrorism. Last month, a tourist bus was bombed near the great pyramids. The next day, Egyptian forces killed 40 suspects. In 2017, isis affiliates murdered Coptic Christians at church and 311 Muslims in a mosque. In our interview, El-Sisi revealed officially for the first time, that his military is cooperating with Israel in the Sinai. - Would you say that this is the deepest and closest cooperation that you've ever had with Israel? - President el-Sisi: That is correct. The Air Force sometimes needs to cross to the Israeli side. And that's why we have a wide range of coordination with the Israelis. - It's been estimated there are about 1,000 terrorists in Sinai. With more than a billion dollars in U.S. military aid every year, why haven't you wiped them out? - President el-Sisi: And why hasn't the US eliminated the terrorists in Afghanistan after 17 years and spending a trillion dollars? For now, the White House calculates that fighting terrorism is more urgent than the threat that El-Sisi's repression will ignite another revolt. (Source: CBSNews)
4 Jan 2019 Xi addressed the nation’s Central Military Commission, demanding troops be ready for imminent combat at all times. Xi ordered “the entire armed forces” to “have a correct understanding of China’s security and development trends, enhance their awareness of danger, crisis and war, and make solid efforts on combat preparations.” The president who is also the nation’s commander-in-chief, “ordered all work, forces and resources to focus on military preparedness and ensure a marked progress in this regard.” The PLA has begun an extensive “realistic training exercise” with live fire in Shandong, eastern China. (Source: Breitbart)
anuary 6, 2019 Malaysian King Sultan Muhammad V abdicated today in an unexpected move, after just two years on the throne. He is said to have married a 25-year-old former Russian beauty queen in November while on a two-month medical leave. Reports in Russian and British media and on social media featured pictures of the wedding, which reportedly took place in Moscow. (Source: AP)
Saudi Arabia
7 January 2019 Insects in Mecca, locusts in Riyadh /viedo/: https://tinyurl.com/yc8utuvl
United States
January 10, 2019 Trump should declare a national emergency, shift funds out of the Pentagon, build his wall, open the government and charge Democrats with finding excuses not to secure our border because they have a demographic and ideological interest in changing the face of the nation. For the larger the share of the U.S. population that requires welfare, the greater the need for more social workers, and the more voters there will be to vote to further grow the liberal welfare state. The more multiracial, multiethnic, multicultural, multilingual America becomes – the less it looks like Reagan’s America – the more dependably Democratic it will become. The Democratic Party is hostile to white men, because the smaller the share of the U.S. population that white men become, the sooner that Democrats inherit the national estate. The only way to greater “diversity,” the golden calf of the Democratic Party, is to increase the number of women, African-Americans, Asians and Hispanics, and thereby reduce the number of white men. The decisive issues on which Trump was elected were not the old Republican litany of tax cuts, conservative judges and increased defense spending. They were securing the borders, extricating America from foolish wars, eliminating trade deficits with NAFTA nations, the EU and China, making allies pay their fair share of the common defense, resurrecting our manufacturing base and getting along with Russia. “America First!” is still a winning hand. (Source: WND)
8 January 2019 Many of the diseases of ageing share common mechanisms, so drugs that target senescent cells or modify their characteristics may represent a new avenue of treatment for other diseases of ageing in the future. The new treatment, dubbed DQ, involves a drug called dasatnib which is already licenced for killing cancer cells in leukaemia patients and quercetin, a common plant pigment found red wine, onions, green tea, apples, berries, Ginkgo biloba and St John’s Wort. Senior study author is Dr Kirkland, of the Mayo Clinic, Minnesota, one of the world’s best anti-ageing research centres. (Source: TheTelegraph)
Jan. 2, 2019 Questions about Apple’s prospects in China, the world’s largest smartphone market, which represents nearly 20% of Apple’s sales. Apple Inc. slashed its quarterly revenue forecast for the first time in more than 15 years. After hours Apple shares were declining more than 7%. (Source: TheWallStreetJournal)
January 3, 2019 Travel Advisory. Caution Exercise increased caution in China due to arbitrary enforcement of local laws as well as special restrictions on dual U.S.-Chinese nationals. Chinese authorities have asserted broad authority to prohibit U.S. citizens from leaving China by using ‘exit bans,’ sometimes keeping U.S. citizens in China for years. China uses exit bans coercively: to compel U.S. citizens to participate in Chinese government investigations, to lure individuals back to China from abroad, and to aid Chinese authorities in resolving civil disputes in favor of Chinese parties. In most cases, U.S. citizens only become aware of the exit ban when they attempt to depart China, and there is no method to find out how long the ban may continue. U.S. citizens under exit bans have been harassed and threatened. U.S. citizens may be detained without access to U.S. consular services or information about their alleged crime. U.S. citizens may be subjected to prolonged interrogations and extended detention for reasons related to “state security.” Security personnel may detain and/or deport U.S. citizens for sending private electronic messages critical of the Chinese government. Extra security measures, such as security checks and increased levels of police presence, are common in the Xinjiang Uighur and Tibet Autonomous Regions. Authorities may impose curfews and travel restrictions on short notice. China does not recognize dual nationality. U.S.-Chinese citizens and U.S. citizens of Chinese heritage may be subject to additional scrutiny and harassment, and China may prevent the U.S. Embassy from providing consular services. (Source: TravelStateGov): https://tinyurl.com/y8whuusg
(2019) Everyone will be irradiated with millimeter-size, non-ionizing radiation 24 hours a day with completely unknown health effects. The effective radiated power of the 5G phased array antennas in phones will be 10 times more powerful than 4G phones. No one will be free from exposure. Studies designed to investigate harm from 5G will be completed many years after the 5G systems on the ground and in space are fully implemented. 20,000 satellites for 5G to be launched sending focused beams of intense microwave radiation over entire Earth. The FCC gave approval to SpaceX on March 29, 2018, to launch 4,425 satellites into low orbit around the Earth. Telecom companies are sweeping aside local resistance and gaining approval for their 5G systems in rapid succession. These are the companies with the biggest plans to deploy satellites: SpaceX: 12,000 satellites OneWeb: 4,560 satellites Boeing: 2,956 satellites Spire Global: 972 satellites. Each satellite will be the size of a small refrigerator and will weigh approximately 880 pounds. As of September 2017 there were 1,738 operating satellites into orbit around the Earth. If the number of annual rocket launches increases by 10 or more times, computer models suggest that the combination of ozone depletion and release of black soot could produce a 3 degree warming effect over the Antarctic and reduce the ozone in the world’s atmosphere by 4%. Apollo Fusion is developing a mercury-based propulsion system for launching rockets. These ion propulsion rocket engines use powerful magnets to push away small charged particles at high speeds, which generates thrust. If there was a malfunction and one of these engines exploded, highly toxic mercury would be spread through the atmosphere and over the Earth. With a life expectancy of only 5-years, this means there will be a massive amount of space junk orbiting the Earth. (Source: HealtImpactNews): https://tinyurl.com/y9jqwulo
January 3, 2019 Google shifted $23 billion as part of an arrangement that allows it to reduce its foreign tax bill through the Dutch shell company Google Netherlands Holdings BV to tax haven Bermuda in 2017. The amount channeled was around 4 billion euros more than in 2016. (Source: Reuters)
4 Jan 2019 Chinese rover Jade Rabbit 2 sets off to explore far side of moon - video. (Source: TheGuardian): https://tinyurl.com/ybg7puzm
3 January 2019 The Chang'e-4 lunar probe, launched in December, made the "soft landing" at 0226 GMT and transmitted the first-ever "close range" image of the far side of the moon which included a wide-angle colour picture of a crater from the moon's surface. Landing near the moon's south pole in the von Kármán Crater opens new chapter in human lunar exploration. Probe includes lander and rover, to take observations. The tasks include astronomical observation, surveying the moon's terrain, landform and mineral makeup, and measuring the neutron radiation and neutral atoms to study the environment of its far side. The probe also took six live species - cotton, rapeseed, potato, arabidopsis, fruit fly and yeast - to the lifeless environment to form a mini biosphere. China hopes to catch U.S., Russia as major space power. (Source: Reuters)