2018. X. 17. A tavaly év elején bejelentett Zrínyi 2026 honvédelmi és haderő-fejlesztési program keretében idáig elsősorban a katonák egyéni felszerelése és a légierő modernizálása élvezett prioritást, azonban a program előrehaladtával egyre inkább a szárazföldi haderő és a földi telepítésű légvédelem fejlesztése kerül előtérbe. Fejlesztik a Gripenek fegyverzetét, jelenleg a rövid hatótávolságú infravörös irányítású rakéták üzemidőhöz kötött kalibrálása folyik, ezért a készenléti szolgálatot a radarvezérlésű, nagy hatótávolságú rakétákkal látja el a honvédség. „Rámpás”, taktikai szállítógépek beszerzésének előkészítése is megkezdődött. Idén szeptemberben újraindult a pilótaképzés Szolnokon. Négy cseh gyártmányú ZLIN alapkiképző repülőgép beszerzése van folyamatban. Közepes méretű új helikopterek beszerzését is tervezi a tárca, ezzel párhuzamosan az orosz fél által átadott négy felújított, részben korszerűsített Mi–24-es harci helikopter mellé novemberben újabb négy forgószárnyas érkezik. A kecskeméti repülőtér kettős, polgári és katonai felhasználását tervezik, elhatárolt civil terminál kialakításával. Az építkezés idejére a vadászrepülők Pápára települhetnek át. A kecskeméti légi bázis NATO-kapacitás bővítéséhez az Egyesült Államok 55,4 millió dolláros, azaz mintegy 14,5 milliárd forintos támogatást ajánlott fel tavaly decemberben. A beruházásról a két ország jelenleg is tárgyal.; nem sérülhetnek az ország nemzetbiztonsági érdekei, nem csorbulhat a szuverenitás. A minisztérium tervlistáján szerepel új, úgynevezett páncélozott többcélú moduláris harcjárműképesség megteremtése. A harcjárművek kapcsán török fejlesztésű eszközök is szóba jöhetnek, ha minél nagyobb arányban vehetünk részt a gyártásban. A közel 600 darab, az orosz államadósság terhére 2000-ig leszállított BTR–80-asokat a tárca nem kívánja kivonni, a honvédség jelenlegi páncélozott alapjárművét modernizálni fogják. Megújul a honvédség 2003-ban leépített harckocsi-képessége is, nem beszélve a tüzér- és páncéltörő eszközökről, amelyek szintén áldozatul estek a szocialista kormányok haderő-reformjainak. A Rába Jármű Kft. a jövőben is korszerű terepjáró gépjárművekkel látja el a honvédséget. (Forrás: MagyarIdők)
2018. X. 17. A közterületek élhetetlené, használhatatlanná tétele nem jog, és október 15. óta nem is jogszerű. A magyar állam jelentős összegeket költött a hajléktalan-ellátó rendszer fejlesztésére. ma már senkinek nem kell kényszerből az utcán fetrengenie. A kormányzat – nagyon helyesen – figyelembe vette a normális többség jogait, amelyeket eddig a ballib elmebaj hevült prófétái kéjjel tiportak. Miközben persze egyiküknek sem jutott eszébe saját házába befogadni állítólagos védenceiket. Naná, hogy nem: a ballib agitátorokból sohasem az emberszeretet, a valóságos féltés beszél. Számukra a hajléktalanok pusztán biológiai fegyvert jelentettek a normális társadalommal szemben. A magyar állam ezt a fegyvert csavarta ki a kezükből. (Forrás: Demokrata)
2018. X. 12. Ki ne tapsolna a háborús hisztériában annak a szlogennek, hogy ki az ellenséggel, ki a magyarokkal az országból. Természetesen tárgyalhatunk ez alapján is kompromisszumokról. Ha olyannyira meg akarnak szabadulni a magyar kisebbségtől, beszélhetünk róla – de akkor Magyarország kéri vissza a területet is, amelyen véreink élnek. Még az sem kizárt, hogy a ruszinok jókora része is inkább velük tartana. (Forrás: MagyarHírlap)
17 October 2017 Nineteen people are killed in Crimean school massacre after student walks into canteen and opens fire. Roslyakov, 18, stalked his college halls at Kerch Polytechnic College, Crimea with a shotgun, shooting 17 dead and then killing himself . He set off a homemade 'nail-bomb' in the canteen which blew out windows and he carried several more bombs. Witnesses claim masked gunmen entered the high school and shot at several teachers and students from 12pm local time. Russian President Putin, at a meeting in the southern Russian resort of Sochi with his Egyptian counterpart, declared a moment's silence for the victims. (Source: DailyMail)
Great Britain
15th October 2018 UK sex doll rental firm offers widows replicas of their dead partners to help comfort them (Source: TheSun)
2018. X. 12. Alaptalannak nevezte a kárpátaljai magyarokkal szemben felhozott hazaárulás-vádat pénteken Klimkin ukrán külügyminiszter, kijelentve, hogy a kettős állampolgárság kérdését úgy kell megoldani, hogy ne szenvedjenek kárt azok, akiknek már két útlevelük van. Közölte egyúttal, hogy október 13-án Ungvárra látogat, ahol tárgyal a kárpátaljai magyar közösség vezetőivel. Megjegyezte, hogy a kárpátaljai helyzetet minden bizonnyal a saját hasznára igyekszik felhasználni Oroszország, amely alapvető veszélyt jelent Ukrajna, Magyarország és Európa számára. (Forrás: Demokrata)
Oct. 15, 2018 Episodes involving discriminatory behavior by the region’s growing Chinese work force have unsettled many Kenyans, particularly at a time when their government seeks closer ties with China. Two years ago, a laundry detergent company in China ran a television commercial in which the detergent’s effectiveness was demonstrated by transforming a black man into a light-skinned Asian man. The Chinese population in Kenya is difficult to count accurately, although one research group put the figure at around 40,000. Many are here for just a few years, to work for one of hundreds of Chinese companies. Many of the employees live together in large housing developments and are bussed back and forth from work, leaving little social interaction with Kenyans. But the most painful were the monkey insults - the kind of dehumanization used to justify slavery and colonization. Many arrive with hierarchical views of culture and race that tend to place Africans at the bottom. Kenya, home to more than 40 officially recognized ethnic groups, has long had its own problems with prejudice and ethnic tensions. Kenyans of Indian and Pakistani descent have long felt secluded from mainstream Kenyan life, although the government has granted them greater official recognition. Accusations of discrimination have even emerged on a major state-sponsored project: a 300-mile Chinese-built railroad between Nairobi and Mombasa overshadowed by concern over its $4 billion price tag. (Source: TheNewYorkTimes)
19 Oct 2018 China is planning to launch its own "artificial moon" by 2020 to replace street lamps and lower electricity costs in urban areas. Chengdu, a city in southwestern Sichuan province, is developing "illumination satellites" which will shine in tandem with the real moon, but are eight times brighter. The first man-made moon will launch from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan, with three more to follow in 2022 if the first test goes well. By reflecting light from the sun, the satellites could replace street lamps in urban areas, saving an estimated 1.2 billion yuan (US$170 million) a year in electricity costs for Chengdu, if the man-made moons illuminate an area of 50 square kilometers. The extraterrestrial source of light could also help rescue efforts in disaster zones during blackouts. (Source: ChanelNewsAsia)
12 October 2018 Mysterious light is spotted in the night skies of China, seen above the regions of Beijing, Chongqing, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia at about 6:45pm local time. A military magazine editor and blogger by the name of Weaponmagazine-Xiaoning said the footage could be of Chinese military testing a top secret hypersonic aircraft, DF-ZF. The hypersonic glide vehicle was previously known by the Pentagon as WU-14. /photo/ (Source: Mail)
October 14, 2018, Sunday Violent weekend. More than 20,000 Palestinians took part in the weekly "March of Return" riots and multiple attempts to breach the Gaza fence were prevented by IDF forces. Defense Minister Liberman and Hamas chief Haniyeh also exchanged barbs, with Liberman ordering a full halt on gas and fuel deliveries to the Gaza Strip. Three Palestinians were killed in one incident after several Gazans breached the security fence in the southern Strip, and set off a bomb which set a section of the fence on fire. Immediately afterwards, a group of 20 Palestinians was seen crossing the fence and approaching an IDF sniper position, leading troops to open fire and kill the three men. Seven Palestinians were killed in clashes with IDF soldiers along the border on Friday. (Source: TheJerusalemPost)
the Philippines
10.12.18 There was a plot against President Trump’s life in Manila - a shocking fact revealed in United States Secret Service: On the Front Line, a two-hour special airing on the National Geographic Channel that - for the first time - provides viewers with a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the workings of the Secret Service, and the complex measures they take to protect the president of the United States. President Trump (codename: “Mogul”) was due to arrive in the bustling city to meet with Philippine President Duterte and other South Asian leaders at the ASEAN 50 summit in November 2017. (Source: TheDailyBeast)
South China Sea
October 12, 2018 The harassment of the guided missile destroyer USS Decatur by Chinese warship that nearly caused a collision in the South China Sea. On Sept. 30 near one of the Spratly islands, a Chinese Luyang-class destroyer conducted a series of aggressive maneuvers and sailed within 45 yards of the destroyer, forcing it to change course to avoid a collision. China claims the entire sea, which is used for an estimated $5 trillion annually in shipping trade, is Chinese territory. The United States insists the waters are international waters. The U.N. Permanent Court of Arbitration rejected Chinese claims to own the sea through a vaguely defined "nine-dash line" extending through most of the waterway. (Source: TheWashingtonFreeBeacon)
October 20, 2018 'It’s the perfect place.' Geographically, Vancouver is the closest city in the West to China, Vancouver’s economic fundamentals can’t justify the cost of its housing. Home sales, construction, and related activities account for as much as 40 percent of British Columbia’s gross domestic product. Salaries tend to be low. Vancouver’s median household income of about $61,000 ranks 50th among North American metropolitan areas, Vancouver has become one of the world’s largest sluices for questionable funds moving from Asia into Western economies. The previous provincial government wanted to expand tourism and encourage advanced manufacturing of ships and aircraft. These ideas all ran into the same problem: rent that was too high. Canada’s liberal immigration system, which approves visas for highly skilled workers in as little as two weeks, is part of the draw for tech companies, as are Vancouver’s low salaries. An ongoing influx of lavishly compensated tech jobs will give the city a broader economic base; it won’t do much to make Vancouver more livable for the teachers, nurses, small-business owners, and artists now struggling to survive there. “The Vancouver model”: a seamy mingling of clean and dirty cash in casinos, real estate, and luxury goods made possible by historic ties to China and by Canada’s lax record of fighting financial crime. The money frenetically shuffled by millions of wealthy Chinese into safe assets abroad, in defiance of their country’s capital controls. To keep the yuan stable and protect foreign currency reserves, China forbids citizens from exporting more than $50,000 a year without government approval. Since mid-2014, capital flight from China may have totaled as much as $800 billion, according to estimates from the Institute of International Finance. In Vancouver, the tidal wave has wrought a dramatic economic, demographic, and physical transformation. About 500,000 people in greater Vancouver have Chinese heritage, representing roughly 20 percent of the population. The proportion is highest in Richmond, just south of Vancouver proper, which is more than 50 percent Chinese. Officials say that a substantial proportion is the proceeds of corruption or crime, including the illegal sale of opiates such as fentanyl. Vancouver was perhaps the first major Western city to experience the full force of Chinese capital. Soon, it could be the first to learn what happens when you try to stop it. With public anger rising over astronomical housing prices and an economy distorted by wealthy outsiders, British Columbia’s left - leaning government—elected last year on a platform focused on calming the real estate market - is building a global laboratory for policies meant to restrain the arrival of Chinese money. The province is hiking taxes, toughening transparency rules, and tightening oversight of casinos and financial institutions. Vancouver has been closely connected to Asia since the late 19th century, when the first Chinese laborers arrived to help build the trans-Canada railway, and the city is proud of its record of integrating immigrants. Vancouver’s economic base is shallow. It’s not the business capital of western Canada - that’s Calgary - and it has few major corporate headquarters or large-scale manufacturing operations. Vancouver lies near its southernmost point, on a pair of flattish peninsulas positioned like a thumb and forefinger, and bordered by peaks dusted almost year-round with snow. From the beginning of European settlement in the mid-19th century, it was obvious that the city, with its deep natural port, would be a maritime gateway, leading the Canadian Pacific Railway to choose it as its western terminus. In 1923, Canada passed what came to be known as the Chinese Exclusion Act, banning most immigration from China and requiring anyone of Chinese descent to register with the authorities. It wasn’t until 1947 that ethnically Chinese residents were allowed to vote. Canada, hungry for foreign workers and investment, liberalized its immigration policies in the 1970s, Vancouver again became a natural destination. Many people came from Hong Kong, a trend that accelerated after the U.K. agreed in the early 1980s to hand back the city to China in 1997. One of Cathay Pacific’s daily flights from Hong Kong is numbered 888, the luckiest possible three-digit set. Citizenship can be gained after as little as three years of residence, and taxation on income earned abroad is spottily enforced. These provisions have contributed to the proliferation of “astronaut” families, in which a primary breadwinner remains largely overseas while a spouse and children live in Vancouver or Toronto. Canada admits about 300,000 new permanent residents a year. Thanks substantially to purchases by wealthy foreigners, the city’s property values are now the highest in the country. The median cost of a detached home in Vancouver proper has tripled since 2005, to C$1.5 million, making millionaires of thousands of homeowners. In 2016, with an election coming and real estate values continuing to skyrocket, the Liberals imposed Canada’s first tax on foreign purchasers, a 15 percent surcharge applied to anyone without Canadian citizenship or permanent residence who was buying a home in or around Vancouver. For many voters it was too late, and the opposition New Democratic Party narrowly won power after promising to restrain the market. The new NDP premier, Horgan, increased the surcharge to 20 percent and expanded its geographical scope. His government plans to levy a 2 percent annual fee on vacant property owned by foreign investors and has begun closing loopholes allowing buyers to dodge taxes on condo purchases and property transfers. In 2016, Transparency International found that the ownership of almost half of Vancouver’s 100 most expensive properties, representing at least C$1 billion in anonymous wealth, was effectively untraceable. I 2016 C$57 million worth of real estate in Point Grey, an affluent district had been purchased by students with no reported income. In 2017 it reported that nonresidents of the country owned more than 7 percent of the city’s dwellings. Large-scale, transnational money laundering has been occurring in casinos. Those funds are filtering further into the economy. A mandatory land-ownership registry is in the works. (Source: Bloomberg)
17 October 2018. The Compact Astronomical Low-frequency, Low-cost Instrument for Spectroscopy in Transportable Observatories-Mexican Array RadioTelescope station detected several radio bursts including a Type III associated with the X8.2 flare on 10 September. The magnetometer detected variations reaching a regional K index of 8.3 during the geomagnetic storm. The ionosphere over Mexico was disturbed by different space weather phenomena with the dominant effects of the geomagnetic storm. The cosmic rays monitor detected a Forbush decrease associated also with the geomagnetic storm. Coincidentally with the space weather events referred above, there were also two other types of natural hazards affecting the country at that moment, the hurricane Katia category 2 in the Gulf of Mexico, and two major earthquakes (7 and 19 September 2018). The conjunction of these natural phenomena were close to creating a worst-case scenario in terms of civil protection reaction. (Source: AdvancingEarthandSpaceScience)