Egyik 19

Magyarországról, utódállami területekről, Európáról, Európai Unióról, további földrészekről, globalizációról, űrről

Friss topikok


1956 (91) abkhazia (3) accademiaungheresedellescienze (1) ádeniöböl (1) adriaitenger (12) adriaticsea (5) aegeansea (7) aegyptus (1) afganisztán (64) afghanistan (105) africa (121) afrika (88) agriculture (3) ajurabirodalom (1) akabaiöböl (1) alánia (1) alaptörvény (43) albánia (18) albania (21) algeria (12) algéria (13) algérie (2) alkotmány (32) alkotmánybíróság (22) államadósság (2) állambiztonságiszolgálatoktörténetilevéltára (5) államiszámvevőszék (5) állandóválasztottbíróság (1) állat (2) állatorvostudományiegyetem (1) allemagne (1) alpok (5) alps (3) altai (1) altáj (2) amazon (5) amazonas (1) americae (1) americanhungarianfederation (1) americansamoa (1) americas (6) amerika (13) amerikahangja (1) amerikaimagyarkoalíció (1) amerikaimagyarmúzeum (1) amerikaimagyarszépművesczéh (1) amerikaimagyarszövetség (2) amnestyinternational (10) amur (1) anc (1) ancientegypt (1) ancientrome (2) andes (1) andorra (1) andrássygyulabudapestinémetnyelvűegyetem (1) angara (1) anglia (13) angola (4) antarctic (10) antarctica (2) antiguaésbarbuda (1) antiókhiaifejedelemség (1) appenines (1) aquincumimúzeum (1) arabfélsziget (1) arabianpeninsula (3) arabiansea (4) arabköztársaságokszövetsége (1) áradás (19) araltó (1) architecture (1) arctic (40) arcticocean (7) ardeal (3) argentina (36) argentine (3) ária (1) armenia (16) árpádvonal (1) árvíz (22) asia (182) asianinfrastructureinvestmentbank (2) assyria (1) asteroid (27) athén (1) atlanticocean (45) atlantióceán (12) atom (1) audio (1) australia (84) austria (90) austrohungarianmonarchy (5) ausztrália (44) ausztria (162) autonómia (39) autonomy (5) azerbaijan (36) azerbajdzsán (16) azovitenger (5) azovsea (1) ázsia (72) babesbolyaitudományegyetem (4) babilon (1) babilónia (1) badeniőrgrófság (1) bahamas (3) bahamaszigetek (1) bahrain (6) bahrein (1) baikal (2) bajkáltó (1) bajorország (7) balassiintézet (7) balaton (26) balcans (36) balkán (63) baltics (42) balticsea (22) baltikum (25) baltitenger (18) balti államok (1) banat (3) banatus (1) banglades (10) bangladesh (9) bánság (21) baptistaszeretetszolgálat (1) barbados (1) barentssea (8) barentstenger (2) barlang (1) batthyáneum (4) bavaria (3) bayern (1) bayofbengal (4) bécsimagyartörténetiintézet (1) békásszoros (2) belarus (57) belgakongó (2) belgium (115) belgrádimagyarkulturálisintézet (1) belize (2) benesdekrétumok (4) bengurionproject (1) beregszászimagyargörögkatolikusesperesikerület (1) beringstreat (1) beringszoros (1) besszarábia (6) bethlengáboralap (3) bevándorlásihivatal (7) bhután (1) bhutan (1) Biblia (7) bismarcktenger (1) bissauguinea (1) bizánc (3) bizáncibirodalom (4) blacksea (54) bluestream (1) boek (1) bog (1) bohaisea (2) bok (1) bolivia (8) bolyaiegyetem (2) bolyaitudományegyetem (2) book (94) borneo (1) bősnagymaros (1) bosniaandherzegovina (17) bosphorus (3) bosporus (2) bosznia (5) boszniahercegovina (22) boszporusz (2) brahmaputra (1) brandenburg (1) brasil (2) brazil (52) brazília (19) britbirodalom (4) britindia (1) britishpetroleum (2) britszomália (1) britújguinea (1) brunei (5) buch (13) budapest (1) budapestfővároslevéltára (2) budapesthistorymuseum (2) budapesticorvinusegyetem (2) budapestiközlekedésiközpont (1) budapestiműszakiésgazdaságtudományiegyetem (4) budapestitörténetimúzeum (2) budapestneutroncentre (1) budapestostroma (2) bukovina (1) bulgaria (66) bulgária (74) bulgarianacademyofsciences (1) burkinafaso (5) burma (4) burundi (4) burzenland (1) byzantineempire (1) byzantium (1) caboverde (2) calvinjteológiaiakadémia (1) cambodia (2) cameroon (5) canada (103) canto (1) capeofgoodhope (1) caribbean (5) caribbeansea (9) caritashungarica (1) carpathianbasin (5) carpathians (3) carte (7) cartoon (1) caspiansea (15) catalonia (7) caucasus (20) celticmusic (1) centralafricanrepublic (2) centralamerica (9) centralbankofhungary (1) chad (5) chechnya (6) chevron (4) chile (26) china (350) chinoingyógyszergyár (1) chorwerke (1) címer (1) Címkék (2) ciprus (15) ciszjordánia (1) civilaviationorganization (1) clouds (1) collectivesecuritytreatyorganization (1) collègebaronjózsefeötvös (1) colombia (15) comet (7) communism (9) communist (46) comunista (1) constitution (3) cookislands (2) costarica (10) councilofeurope (7) crimea (60) crisana (1) croatia (33) csád (3) csángórádió (2) csecsenföld (2) csehország (87) csehszlovákia (45) csendesóceán (12) csíkiszékelymúzeum (1) csónak (5) cuba (18) cyprus (24) czechia (53) czechoslovakia (4) dal (8) dalszöveg (1) dance (14) dánia (29) danube (126) danubianresearchcenter (1) danubio (1) dardanelles (4) debreceniegyetem (7) debrecenireformátuskollégium (1) defenseadvancedresearchprojectsagency (1) délafrika (16) délamerika (23) déliáramlat (23) déljemen (1) délkínaitenger (6) délkorea (15) délszudán (2) délvidék (55) democraticrepublicofcongo (22) demográfia (1) denmark (51) depleteduranium (1) deutschland (6) dévaiszentferencalapítvány (3) djibouti (5) dnieper (1) dnipro (1) dobrudzsa (2) dominica (5) don (2) donau (1) donbass (22) donetsk (1) dráva (1) drava (1) drávaszög (2) dubai (9) dubaj (1) dubliniegyezmény (2) duna (183) dunaipolynemzetipark (2) dunamédiaszolgáltatónonprofitzrt (2) dunamellékireformátusegyházkerület (1) dunamúzeum (1) dunatelevízió (8) dzsibuti (1) earth (147) earthquake (49) eastchinasea (4) eastgermany (4) easttimor (5) ebolajárvány (2) ecocalipse (2) ecuador (21) ég (123) égeitenger (4) egészségügy (2) egészségügyivilágszervezet (7) egriérsekség (1) egyenlítőiguinea (1) egyesültállamok (335) egyesültarabemírségek (13) egyesültarabköztársaság (2) egyesültkirályság (17) egyesültnemzetekszervezete (47) egyházikönyvtárakegyesülése (1) egyházzene (1) egyiptom (62) egyiptom(hellenisztikus) (1) egypt (75) éjszaka (2) ekokalipszis (1) elba (1) elsővilágháború (88) emberijogokeurópaibírósága (11) ének (20) england (27) englishchannel (5) ensz (62) eötvösjózsefcollegium (5) eötvöslorándtudományegyetem (15) eötvösloránduniversity (1) építészet (123) equatorialguinea (1) erdély (325) erdélyimagyarközművelődésiegyesület (2) erdélyimagyarműszakitudományostársaság (1) erdélyimagyarnemzetitanács (19) erdélyimagyarnyelvmívelőtársaság (1) erdélyiművészetiközpont (2) erdélyimúzeumegyesület (21) erdélyinemzetimúzeum (1) erdélyinemzetimúzeumkézirattára (1) erdélyinemzetimúzeumlevéltára (1) erdélyireformátusegyházkerület (20) erdélyirómaikatolikusegyházmegye (2) erdélyirómaikatolikuspüspökség (1) erdélyirómaikatolikusstátus (1) erdélyiszépmívescéh (1) eritrea (18) erkelszínház (1) eső (6) este (20) estonia (38) eswatini (1) északamerika (18) északiáramlat (12) északiáramlat2 (1) északírország (2) északisark (6) északitenger (3) északjemen (1) északkorea (10) északmacedónia (1) északvietnam (1) esztergomiérsekség (1) esztergomifőegyházmegyeikönyvtár (1) eszterházakulturáliskutatóésfesztiválközpont (1) eszterházykárolyegyetem (1) észtország (18) ethiopia (20) etiópia (9) etna (1) eubam (1) eufrates (2) eufrátesz (3) euphrates (13) eurasia (33) eurázsa (2) eurázsia (22) europa (6) európa (416) európaibékeintézet (1) európaibetegségmegelőzésiésjárványügyiközpont (1) európaibíróság (17) európaibizottság (130) európaibiztonságiésegyüttműködésiértekezlet (4) európaibiztonságiésegyüttműködésiszervezet (25) európaifejlesztésiésújjáépítésibank (1) európaiközpontibank (3) európainemzetiségekföderatívuniója (2) európainukleáriskutatásiszervezet (1) európaiparlament (117) európaipolitikaiközösség (1) európaitanács (59) európaiújjáépítésiésfejlesztésibank (3) európaiunió (326) európaiűrügynökség (1) europe (388) europeanantifraudoffice (1) europeanbankforreconstructionanddevelopment (2) europeancentralbank (7) europeancommission (108) europeancouncil (60) europeancourtofauditors (1) europeancourtofhumanrights (5) europeancourtofjustice (15) europeaneconomicarea (1) europeangeosciencesunion (1) europeaninvestmentbank (3) europeanombudsman (1) europeanparliament (72) europeanpoliticalcommunity (8) europeansciencefoundation (1) europeanspaceagency (16) europeanunion (277) europol (6) eurostat (4) evangélikusországoskönyvtár (1) exxon (1) exxonmobil (1) eυρώπη (1) fák (102) federationofhungarians (1) fehéroroszország (21) fehértenger (1) feketetenger (59) felhők (97) felvidék (83) fénykép (31) fényképek (327) ferenchoppmuseumofasiaticarts (1) ferencjózseftudományegyetem (1) ferencrákóczyIItranscarpathianhungarianinstitute (1) ferenczjózseftudományegyetem (1) fertőtó (1) festmény (1) fidzsiszigetek (1) fiji (7) film (136) finland (46) finnország (33) fire (1) firstworldwar (3) fiumeitengerészetiakadémia (1) flanders (3) főgáz (3) föld (23) földközitenger (47) földrajziintézet (1) földrengés (2) forsterközpont (3) fórumkisebbségkutatóintézet (4) france (267) franciaország (215) franciapolinézia (1) franciavichykormány (2) frenchpolynesia (1) frontex (15) függetlenállamokközössége (3) fülöpszigetek (9) fundamentallaw (1) galaxy (1) galícia (2) galilea (1) gambia (3) ganges (2) gangesz (1) gaza (81) gáza (6) gazprom (56) generalelectric (1) genfikonvenció (2) georgia (36) germanreich (7) germany (312) ghana (5) ghána (2) gibraltar (1) global (5) globalizáció (49) globalization (139) globalizmus (9) góbisivatag (1) golfáram (1) google (1) görögbirodalom (1) görögkatolikusmetropólia (1) görögország (95) greatbritain (188) greece (75) greenland (15) grenada (2) grófklebelsbergkunómagyartörténetiintézet (1) grönland (5) grúzia (17) guam (3) guatemala (25) guinea (4) guineabissau (1) gulfofaden (3) gulfofmexico (12) gulfofoman (4) guyana (1) győriegyházmegyeilevéltár (1) gyulafehérvárirómaikatolikusérsekség (9) gyulafehérvárirómaikatolikusteológia (1) haázrezsőmúzeum (1) habsburgbirodalom (12) Habsburgermonarchie (1) habsburgmonarchia (3) hadtörténelmilevéltár (1) hadtörténetiintézetésmúzeum (16) hágainemzetközibíróság (1) hagyományokháza (2) haiti (8) hajdúdorogigörögkatolikusegyházmegye (1) hajó (57) hamvasbélakultúrakutatóintézet (1) hangzóanyag (15) hargitanemzetiszékelynépiegyüttes (1) havasalföld (8) háziállatok (1) heatwave (1) hegyek (7) hegység (1) híd (57) himalája (3) himalaya (12) himnusz (6) hitelminősítők (7) (7) hőhullám (4) hold (4) holiday (10) hollandia (59) holyland (1) honduras (18) hongrie (9) hoppferencázsiaiművészetimúzeum (1) horvátország (85) houseofmusic (1) hunbirodalom (3) hungaria (8) HungariaArchiregnum (1) hungarianacademyofarts (1) hungarianacademyofsciences (4) hungarianamericancoalition (1) hungarianhumanrightsfoundation (1) hungariannationalbank (2) hungariannationalmuseum (2) hungarianparliamentbuilding (1) hungarianradio (1) hungarianstateopera (1) hungaricanaközgyűjteményikönyvtár (1) hungary (456) hungría (1) hunkultúramúzeuma (1) hunnia (1) husarenlieder (1) hussarsongs (1) huszárnóta (2) iaea (1) iberia (2) ibériaifélsziget (1) iceland (12) ifla (3) IIbécsidöntés (1) IIrákócziferenckárpátaljaimagyarfőiskola (7) IIworldwar (4) ilhánbirodalom (1) imf (53) imperoromano (1) india (223) indiaióceán (6) indianocean (43) indonesia (30) indonézia (6) induló (1) indus (1) influenzavirus (1) információshivatal (1) inkabirodalom (1) insect (1) instituthongroisdeparis (1) interjú (1) internationalairtransportassociation (1) internationalatomicenergyagency (12) internationalbankofreconstructionanddevelopment (1) internationalcommissionofjurists (2) internationalcourtofjustice (6) internationalcriminalcourt (9) internationalcriminaltribunalfortheformerjugoslavia (1) internationalenergyagency (4) internationallabororganization (1) internationalmonetaryfund (7) internationalspacestation (19) interpol (5) iparművészetimúzeum (5) irak (97) iran (251) irán (77) iraq (174) ireland (38) írország (22) írtenger (1) israel (223) istitutobalassi (1) italia (7) itália (5) italy (171) ithakaprogram (1) ivorycoast (4) Iworldwar (3) izland (6) izráel (3) izrael (99) jagellóegyetem (1) jamaica (3) japán (56) japan (144) járművek (49) jászvásárirómaikatolikuspüspökség (1) jegestenger (1) jemen (14) jeruzsálemikirályság (3) jordan (37) jordán (1) jordánia (33) józsefnádorműszakiésgazdaságtudományiegyetem (1) jugoszlávia (41) julianusprogram (1) jupiter (3) kaliningrad (9) kalocsabácsifőegyházmegye (2) kalocsaifőegyházmegyeilevéltár (1) kambodzsa (4) kamerun (4) kanada (59) karasea (1) karibtenger (3) károligáspáregyetem (3) kárpátalja (121) karpatenbecken (1) kárpátmedence (100) kárpátmedenceintézet (1) kárpátok (35) kashmir (2) kaszpitenger (6) katalónia (1) katar (17) katolikuskaritász (2) katonaiműszakifőiskola (1) katonanóta (2) kaukázus (12) kazahsztán (17) kazakhstan (34) kelet (1) keletikárpátok (1) keletkínaitenger (6) kenya (24) képeslap (1) kerchstrait (1) kereskedelmivilágszervezet (1) kgst (3) kijevinagyfejedelemség (1) kína (158) kínaikultúramúzeuma (1) királyhágó (5) királyhágómellékireformátusegyház (5) kirgizisztán (7) kiribati (1) kisebbségijogvédőintézet (4) kisebbségkutatóintézet (2) kitap (2) kitelepítés (1) knjiga (1) köd (3) kodályinstitute (1) kodályzoltánemlékmúzeumésarchívum (1) kolozsváriegyetemikönyvtár (1) kolozsvárifőkonzulátus (2) kolozsvárimagyarkirályiferenczjózseftudományegyetem (2) kolumbia (1) kommunista (80) kommunizmus (47) kongóidemokratikusköztársaság (5) kongóiköztársaság (1) konstantinápolyipatriarchátus (2) könyv (162) koralltenger (1) korea (16) kőrösicsomasándorprogram (1) kórus (3) kórusmű (2) kosovo (21) kossuthdíj (1) koszovó (33) kosztolányidezsőszínház (1) középafrikaiköztrásaság (3) középamerika (4) középeurópaiegyetem (1) központistatisztikaihivatal (12) krím (14) krizajánosnéprajzitársaság (4) książka (2) kuba (8) külügyiéskülgazdaságiintézet (3) kurdistan (21) kurdisztán (8) kúria (7) kuriliszigetek (1) kuvait (4) kuwait (11) kyrgyzstan (11) lajta (2) lamanchecsatorna (2) laos (2) lapland (2) laptewsea (1) latinamerica (4) latvia (37) leagueofnations (1) lebanon (83) lechnerlajostudásközpont (1) leggefondamentale (1) lengyelország (159) lettország (22) levant (1) libano (1) libanon (34) libéria (3) liberia (4) líbia (56) libri (10) libro (7) lisztferencacademyofmusic (2) lisztferenczeneművészetiegyetem (1) lithuania (42) litvánia (22) livre (7) lsztferencnemzetközirepülőtér (1) ludovikaakadémia (3) ludwigmúzeumkortársművészetimúzeum (2) luhansk (1) lukoil (2) luxembourg (18) luxemburg (23) lybia (51) macedónia (36) macedonia (8) macedonia(provincia) (1) madagascar (7) madagaszkár (1) madár (17) madžarska (1) magyarállaminépiegyüttes (1) magyarállamvasút (2) magyarenergetikaiésközműszabályozásihivatal (2) magyarfejedelemség (1) magyarföldrajzitársaság (1) magyarföldtaniésgeofizikaiintézet (3) magyarhonvédség (1) magyarírókszövetsége (1) magyarkanizsaiudvarikamaraszínház (1) magyarkirályierzsébettudományegyetem (1) magyarkirályság (57) magyarkülügyiintézet (1) magyarmáltaiszeretetszolgálat (2) magyarmérnökikamara (2) magyarművészetiakadémia (13) magyarnemzetibank (31) magyarnemzetigaléria (8) magyarnemzetilevéltár (7) magyarnemzetimúzeum (18) magyarnemzetioperaház (1) magyarnemzetitanács (2) magyarnemzetiüdülésialapítvány (1) magyarnóta (2) magyarnyelviintézet (1) magyarnyelvstratégiaiintézet (1) magyarokvilágszövetsége (16) magyarország (950) magyarországireformátusegyház (4) magyarországiruszintudományosintézet (1) magyarországkrakkóifőkonzulátusa (1) magyarpolitikaifoglyokszövetsége (1) magyarrádió (1) magyarrendőrség (2) magyarságkutatóintézet (2) magyartáviratiiroda (4) magyartelevízió (1) magyartermészettudományimúzeum (1) magyartudománygyűjtemény (1) magyartudományosakadémia (64) magyartudományosakadémiakönyvtárésinformációsközpont (3) magyarunitáriusegyház (3) magyarvillamosművekzrt (2) magyarvöröskereszt (4) mahart (2) malajzia (10) malawi (4) malaysia (22) malév (1) mali (19) málta (13) malta (14) mamelukbirodalom (1) mansziget (1) map (51) máramaros (6) maramures (1) march (1) marcia (1) máriarádió (1) marokkó (16) maros (4) marosmegyeimúzeum (1) marosvásárhelyiművészetiegyetem (1) marosvásárhelyiorvosiésgyógyszerészetiegyetem (14) mars (16) marsch (1) marshallislands (4) másodikvilágháború (85) mauritania (3) mauritánia (2) mauritius (1) máv (1) médiatudományiintézet (5) mediterraneansea (73) mekong (2) memorandum (1) menekültügyihivatal (1) mercury (1) meteor (5) mexico (99) mexikó (17) mexikóiöböl (3) mezőgazdaság (7) mia (1) mianmar (1) michelincsillag (2) micronesia (1) microspace (1) middleamerica (1) migrációkutatóintézet (1) mikeskelemenprogram (1) mikóimrejogvédelmiszolgálat (1) miskolciegyetem (1) miskolcigörögkatolikusegyházmegye (1) mississippi (2) mol (26) moldova (71) moldva (22) molnáristvánmúzeum (1) monaco (1) monarchiaaustroungarica (1) mongolbirodalom (3) mongolia (5) mongólia (3) montenegró (10) montenegro (11) moon (40) móraferencmúzeum (1) morocco (12) morvaország (5) mountain (3) mounteverest (1) mozambik (4) mozambique (2) mozambiquechannel (1) műcsarnok (2) műegyetem (1) munkácsigörögkatolikusegyházmegye (3) munkácsirómaikatolikusegyházmegye (1) munkácsymihálymúzeum (1) mura (1) muravidék (4) museumofappliedarts (1) museumofhungarianagriculture 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1-10 November 2017. Sun, Earth / by Danube

2017.11.26. 22:09 Eleve


Sun, Earth

 by Danube

Time data, photos regarding the occurence of M-class or stronger solar flares, Kp5-level or greater geomagnetic storm activity, big or slow solar wind speed, etc.
Possibly about some quakes, volcano activity


At 19:00 UT the solar wind speed has continuously decreased.
17:10 UT: a maximum of 17453 pfu high (minor storm) level of the greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit, due to CH HSS influences.
At 13:50 UT the solar wind speed started increasing up to 690 km/s; after that it was slowly decreasing,
12:01 UTC: magnitude 5.8 submarine quake - 10 km depth - at West Chile Rise, 855 km West of Ancud, Chile.
See also: seismotectonics of South America (Nazca Plate region).
Around 09:00 UT: vide-spread coronal dimming in the North-east quadrant of the Sun's visible disc associated with a filament eruption; in its coronal mass ejection (CME) has no Earth-directed component.
At 05:20 UT the maximum value of IMF Bz 8 nT; after then decreasing.
At 04:05 UT to 06:45 UT the longest prolonged period with negative Bz - with a maximum southward value - up to -6 nT.
At 02:30 UT the solar wind speed reached its minimum value of about 540 km/s.
Quiet solar activity. Spotless solar disc.
Solar wind speed increased under continued influence / associated with the recurrent, northern polar, positive polarity CH HSS.
Total interplanetary magnetic field strength ranged from 3 nT to 8 nT.
The phi angle was predominantly positive.
The geomagnetic field was at active levels for 15 hours and unsettled levels for the rest, due to the effect of the recurrent coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS). 
Aira volcano, Kyushu, Japan (elevation: 1117 m): sulfur dioxide flux measured was 1,400 tons per day, up from 400 tons per previous days.
Cleveland volcano, Chuginadak Island, USA (elevation: 1730 m): see the 9 November data.
Dukono volcano, Halmahera, Indonesia (elevation: 1229 m): see the 9 November data.
Sabancaya volcano, Peru (elevation: 5960 m): gas-and-ash plumes rose 4 km above the crater rim and drifted 50 km East.
Suwanosejima volcano, Ryukyu Islands, Japan (elevation: 796 m): an event produced a plume that rose about 2 km and drifted North-west.

(A day later the asteroid was first seen at ATLAS-MLO observatory in Hawaii).
A large space rock – dubbed 2017 VL2 - measuring 22 m in diameter, travelling at a speed of 8.73 km/s passed Earth at a distance of just 0,3 LD. The rock belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids.
18:00 UT: the greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit reached high level - 20300 pfu - maximum (minor storm levels), due to CH HSS influence.
16:51 UT Dempo volcano, Indonesia (elevation: 3173 m): a three-minute-long phreatic eruption began, and generated a dense ash plume that rose about 1 km above the crater rim, and drifted South.
07:42 UTC: magnitude 6.0 submarine quake - 20 km depth - 165 km East-southeast of Hachijo-jima, Japan.
See also: seismotectonics of Japan and vicinity
The elevated solar wind speed decreasing; varied between 590 - 505 km/s. The parameters indicated continued influence from a polar-connected positive polarity CH HSS.
Total interplanetary magnetic field strength ranged from 3 nT to 8 nT.
The Bz component fluctuating between -6 nT and +6 nT.
The phi angle was positive.
Very low solar activity. Spotless visible solar disk. No Earth-directed CMEs.
The Earth remains in the fast solar wind flow.
Geomagnetic field at active levels for 12 hours due to ongoing recurrent coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS) effects.
Cleveland volcano, Chuginadak Island, USA (elevation: 1730 m):
see the 8 November data
Dukono volcano, Halmahera, Indonesia (elevation: 1229 m): see the 8 November data.
Sabancaya volcano, Peru (elevation: 5960 m): gas-and-ash plumes rose 4 km above the crater rim and drifted 50 km North-east east.
Sinabung volcano, Indonesia (elevation: 2460 m): ash plumes rose 4-5 km and drifted East and East-southeast. Alert Level at 4 (on a scale of 1-4).

21:00 UT - 24:00 UT G1-level (minor) gemagnetic storm
at 14:55 UT the greater than 2 MeV electron flux increased to 2,070 pfu maximum - high level - due to continuing CH HSS influences.
09:00 UT - 18:00 UT: G1-level (minor) gemagnetic storms.
The Bz component frequently directed southward for prolonged periods; the longest one
from 07:40 UT to 15:00 UT:  Bz reached -7 nT.

07:35 UTC: magnitude 5.7 submarine quake - 582 km depth - 153 km South-southwest of Ndoi Island, Fiji; 445 km West of Nuku‘alofa, Tonga.
See also: seismotectonics of the Eastern margin of the Australia Plate.
00:00 UT - 06:00 UT: G2-level (moderate) gemagnetic storming.
Time of auroras for northern regions of southern Australia, Eurasia, North-America.
The CIR - transition zones between slow- and fast-moving streams of solar wind - holds density gradients and strong magnetic fields.
The arrival of the co-rotating interaction region (CIR) sparked a G2-class geomagnetic storm.
Solar wind speed was variable and ranged from 675 to 575 km/s - indicative of continued north polar connected CH HSS influences.
Total IMF strength decreased, ranged from 8 nT to 6 nT.
The phi angle was positive (away from Sun).
The geomagnetic field at unsettled to G2 (moderate) storm levels, due to continuing coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS) effects and an enhanced interplanetary magnetic field (IMF).
Solar wind flowing from a wide northern hemisphere coronal hole is taking geoeffective location; located +5+8 - -9+3 on the solar disc; its extension oriented North-northeast - West-southwest.
Enhanced solar wind conditions persist.
Very low solar activity. Spotless solar disk. No Earth-directed CMEs.
Agung volcano, Bali, Indonesia (elevation: 2995 m): see the 1-7 November data.
Aoba volcano, Vanuatu (elevation: 1496 m): see the 7 November data
Cleveland volcano, Chuginadak Island, USA (elevation: 1730 m): elevated surface temperatures in the summit crater.
Dukono volcano, Halmahera, Indonesia (elevation: 1229 m): ash plumes drifted in multiple directions.
Ebeko volcano, Paramushir Island, Russia (elevation: 1103 m): see also the 1-3 November data.
Kilauea volcano, Hawaiian Islands, USA (elevation: 1222 m): lava flow, originating from a vent on Pu'u 'O'o Crater's Eastern flank ceased entering the ocean at Kamokuna.
Sabancaya volcano, Peru (elevation: 5960 m): explosive activity increased; there was about 66 explosions recorded per day. Seismicity was dominated by long-period events, with signals indicating emissions. Gas-and-ash plumes rose 4 km above the crater rim and drifted 50 km North-east. The sulfur dioxide flux was high, at 2,763 tons per day.
Sarychev Peak, Matua Island, Russia (elevation: 1496 m): weak steam-and-gas emissions.
Sheveluch volcano, Central Kamchatka, Russia (elevation: 3283 m): explosions generated ash plumes that rose 8 km and drifted 990 km North-east.

at 21:34 UT: San Cristobal volcano, Nicaragua (elevation: 1745 m): a series of 14 explosions began. The first explosion was the strongest, causing an increase in Real-time Seismic Amplitude Measuremen (RSAM) to 150 units; RSAM dropped to 50 after the last explosion. Ash fell in areas to the West and North-east.
21:26 UTC M 6.5 quake - 107 km depth - 67 km West-southwest of Angoram, Papua New Guinea
See also: seismotectonics of the New Guinea Region and vicinity
18-24 UT G2 (moderate) storm levels of geomagnetic field due to CIR arrival and CH HSS onset.
at 16:45 UT The Bz component was mainly southward and reached -15 nT. The strong southward field simultaneously with the fast solar wind due to CH HSS effects produced Kp=6 (G2-class, moderate) geomagnetic storm levels.
Total interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) strength became increased from 6 nT
at 15:48 UT to 22 nT IMF strength during CIR passage.
10:25 UT: Aira volcano, Kyushu, Japan (elevation: 1117 m): an explosion at Minamidake summit crater at Aira Caldera’s Sakurajima volcano generated an ash plume that rose 1 km above the crater rim.
09:01 UTC M 5.7 submarine quake - 554 km depth - 231 km East-southeast of Levuka, Fiji*
09-12 UT G1 (minor) storm levels of geomagnetic field
at around 07:50 UT end of all QUIET alert: solar or geomagnetic activity expected to increase.
04:27 UTC M 5.5 submarine quake - 10 km depth - 69 km East of Tadine, New Caledonia
See also seismotectonics of the Eastern margin of the Australia Plate
Around 01:30 UT solar wind conditions became enhanced due to the sector boundary crossing (SBC) from a negative to a positive orientation.
The SBC is followed by arrival of CIR. After its passage arrival of a recurrent, positive polarity, northern extension CH HSS effects.
The coronal hole which has transited the central meridian on November 4 approaches geoeffective location on the visible solar disk.
Strong solar wind speeds, increased with CH HSS onset from 300 km/s to about 670 km/s.
at 01:00 UTC: Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico (elevation: 5426 m): an explosion generated a gas-and-ash plume that rose almost 2 km above the crater rim and drifted South-west. 
The phi angle was primarily positive (away from Sun).
Very low solar activity; no sunspots on the visible disk; no Earth-directed CMEs.
Agung volcano, Bali, Indonesia (elevation: 2995 m): see the 1-6 November data.
Aoba volcano, Vanuatu (elevation: 1496 m): ash plumes rose 2-4 km and drifted West, and South-west.
Cleveland volcano, Chuginadak Island, USA (elevation: 1730 m): see the 1, 5 and 6 November data.
Dukono volcano, Halmahera, Indonesia (elevation: 1229 m): ash plumes rose to altitudes of 2 km and drifted East-southeast.
Fuego volcano, Guatemala (elevation: 3763 m): The effusive phase ended.
Kilauea volcano, Hawaiian Islands, USA (elevation: 1222 m): see the 1-6 November data.
Pacaya volcano, Guatemala (elevation: 2569 m): see the 4-6 November data.
Sabancaya volcano, Peru (elevation: 5960 m): see the 6 November data.
Sarychev Peak, Matua Island, Russia (elevation: 1496 m): see the November 6 data.
Sinabung volcano, Indonesia (elevation: 2460 m): ash plumes rose 3-5 km and drifted South-southeast.
* See also: seismotectonics of the Eastern margin of the Australia Plate

16:53 UT: Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico (elevation: 5426 m): an explosion generated a gas-and-ash plume that rose 2 km above the crater rim and drifted South-west. Fragments were ejected 500 m onto the flanks.
Very low solar activity. Spotless visible solar disk. No Earth-directed CMEs.
Solar wind speed between 350 km/s - 285 km/s.
Total magnetic field near 3 to 7 nT.
The Bz component between -3 and +3 nT.
Phi angle oriented in a negative (towards) solar sector.
Geomagnetic field at quiet levels.
Sector boundary crossing (SBC) from a negative to a positive orientation.
A recurrent low latitude northern polar coronal hole is located +5 +2 - -3 +2, oriented North-northeast - Southwest.
During the previous rotation, this coronal hole produced about 500 km/s solar wind speeds for 5 days.
Agung volcano, Bali, Indonesia (elevation: 2995 m): see the 1-5 November data.
Aoba volcano, Vanuatu (elevation: 1496 m): ash plumes rose 2-4 km and drifted East, North-west.
Cleveland volcano, Chuginadak Island, USA (elevation: 1730 m): see the 1 and 5 November data.
Dukono volcano, Halmahera, Indonesia (elevation: 1229 m): see the 5 November data.
Fuego volcano, Guatemala (elevation: 3763 m): see the 5 November data.
Kilauea volcano, Hawaiian Islands, USA (elevation: 1222 m): see the 1-5 November data.
Kirishimayama volcano, Kyushu, Japan (elevation: 1700 m): see the November 2 and 5 data.
Pacaya volcano, Guatemala (elevation: 2569 m): see the 4-5 November data.
Sinabung volcano, Indonesia (elevation: 2460 m): ash plumes from Sinabung rose 3-5 km and drifted East-southeast.

04:11 UT: Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico (elevation: 5426 m): explosion was recorded. 
Very low solar activity. Spotless disk. No Earth-directed CMEs.
The new recurrent low latitude northern polar coronal hole approaches geoeffective location on the solar disk.
Solar wind speed declined from about 420 km/s to near 350 km/s.
Total magnetic field range +1 +4 nT. The Bz component between +3 -2 nT.
Phi angle oriented in a predominately negative (towards) sector.
Quiet geomagnetic field.
Agung volcano, Bali, Indonesia (elevation: 2995 m): see also the November 1-4 data.
Cleveland volcano, Chuginadak Island, USA (elevation: 1730 m): see also the November 1 data.
Dukono volcano, Halmahera, Indonesia (elevation: 1229 m): ash plumes rose to altitudes of 2 km and drifted Northeast, East as far as 170 km.
Fuego volcano, Guatemala (elevation: 3763 m): the 11th effusive eruption phase in 2017 began. Lava flowed 1 km West down the Seca drainage and 800 m South-southwest down the Ceniza drainage. Avalanches of material from the ends of the lava flows descended the flanks and reached vegetated areas. About 6-8 explosions per hour generated ash plumes that rose as high as 1 km and drifted 10-15 km West and Southwest. Ashfall in areas downwind including Santa Sofía (12 km South-west) and El Porvenir. See also the November 4 data.
Kilauea volcano, Hawaiian Islands, USA (elevation: 1222 m): see also the November 1-4 data.
Kirishimayama volcano, Kyushu, Japan (elevation: 1700 m): see also the November 2 data.
Pacaya volcano, Guatemala (elevation: 2569 m): see also the November 4 data.
Sabancaya volcano, Peru (elevation: 5960 m): see also the November 1-4 data.
Sinabung volcano, Indonesia (elevation: 2460 m): ash plumes rose 3-5 km and drifted East.
Suwanosejima volcano, Ryukyu Islands, Japan (elevation: 796 m): plumes rose 1.5 km and drifted West.

22:31 UT at Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico (elevation: 5426 m) explosions ejected incandescent material 200 m onto the flanks.
15:24 UTC Magnitude 5.6 submarine quake - 10 km depth - 95 km North-northeast of Hihifo, Tonga; 225 km Southwest of Apia, Samoa;  297 km West-sothwest of Tafuna, American Samoa
See also: seismotectonics of the Eastern Margin of the Australia Plate
At 14:40 UT at Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico (elevation: 5426 m) explosions ejected incandescent material 200 m onto the flanks.
14:08 UTC Magnitude 5.6 submarine quake - 10 km depth - 113 km East-northeast of Tadine, New Caledonia
See also: seismotectonics of the Eastern Margin of the Australia Plate
at 12:30 UT for the next 48 hours QUIET space weather conditions are expected: the solar X-ray output to remain below C-class level; the Kp index below 5; the high-energy proton fluxes below the event threshold.
Solar wind is flowing from a recurrent low latitude northern polar coronal hole located +5+2 - +1+1 northeast-north - South-southwest. Its high speed stream reaches Earth on November 7.
At 10:29 UT at Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico (elevation: 5426 m) a Strombolian period began and lasted for 80 minutes, causing ashfall in Tetela del Volcán, 20 km South-west.
09:27 UTC Magnitude 5.5 submarine quake - 9.5 km depth - 115 km East-southeast of Tadine, New Caledonia
See also: seismotectonics of the Eastern Margin of the Australia Plate
09:00 UTC Magnitude 6.8 submarine quake - 10 km depth - 86 km Northeast of Hihifo, Tonga; 230 km Southwest of Apia, Samoa;  291 km West-sothwest of Tafuna, American Samoa
See also: seismotectonics of the Eastern Margin of the Australia Plate
Beginning at 07:35 UT from Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico (elevation: 5426 m) ashfall was reported in municipality of Yecapixtla, 31 km South-west, in the state of Morelos.
at 06:08 UT  at Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico (elevation: 5426 m) explosions were detected and continuous gas plume with minor ash drifted West-southwest.
at 01:45 UT  at Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico (elevation: 5426 m). explosions were detected.
Very low solar activity. No sunspots, no Earth-directed CMEs.
Solar wind speed ranged between 395 - 450 km/s; moderately elevated with weak influence from a negative polarity coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS).
Total magnetic field: 1-8 nT.
The Bz component between +7 and -4 nT.
Phi angle oriented in a predominately negative (towards) sector.
The geomagnetic field was quiet.
Agung volcano, Bali, Indonesia (elevation: 2995 m): see also the November 1-3 data.
Dukono volcano, Halmahera, Indonesia (elevation: 1229 m): ash plumes rose to altitudes of 2 km and drifted Northeast-east and drifted as far as 170 km.
Fuego volcano, Guatemala (elevation: 3763 m): 5-8 explosions per hour producing ash plumes that rose 1 km and drifted 10-15 km West. Incandescent material was ejected 300 m above the crater, causing avalanches that were confined to the crater.
Kilauea volcano, Hawaiian Islands, USA (elevation: 1222 m): see also the November 1-3 data.
Kirishimayama volcano, Kyushu, Japan (elevation: 1700 m): see also the November 2-3 data.
Pacaya volcano, Guatemala (elevation: 2569 m): Strombolian explosions at Mackenney cone ejected material as high as 40 m above the crater rim.
Sabancaya volcano, Peru (elevation: 5960 m): see also the November 1-3 data.
Sinabung volcano, Indonesia (elevation: 2460 m): ash plumes rose 3-5 km and drifted South-southeast.
Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica (elevation: 3340 m): an ash emission was observed. 

11:52 UTC: magnitude 5.7 submarine quake - 10 km depth - 197 km SW of Tomatlan, Mexico. See also: seismotectonics of Mexico
At 10:27 UT Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico (elevation: 5426 m): an explosion was detected.
06:47 UT a solar filament eruption was observed. No earthward directed CMEs.
At 05:35 UT Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico (elevation: 5426 m): the Strombolian activity ended.
to 02:35 UT the IMF Bz was mostly southward.
At 01:46 UT Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico (elevation: 5426 m): increased seismicity coincided with a period of Strombolian activity - gas, water vapor, and ash emissions rose from the carter and incandescent material was ejected 500 m onto the flanks.
Very low solar activity. A quiet and stable, 2686 numbered, no active solar region is on the visible solar disc.
The solar wind speed varying in the range 400-450 km/s was moderately elevated in response to the effects from a negative polarity low latitude recurrent coronal hole in the southern hemisphere.
The IMF Bt fluctuated between 4 nT and 10 nT with a general downward trend.
The Bz component of IMF fluctuated between a maximum southward flux of -6 nT and +4 nT.
Phi angle predominantly oriented in the negative sector.
Magnetic conditions at active levels for 3 hours and unsettled to quiet for the rest of the time.
Agung volcano, Bali, Indonesia (elevation: 2995 m): see also the November 1-2 data.
Bagana volcano, Bougainville, Papua New Guinea (elevation: 1855 m): an ash plume rose to an altitude of 2.4 km and drifted NE.
Dukono volcano, Halmahera, Indonesia (elevation: 1229 m): see also the November 1-2 data.
Ebeko volcano, Paramushir Island, Russia (elevation: 1103 m): see also the November 1-2 data.
Fuego volcano, Guatemala (elevation: 3763 m): tremor increased. Explosions generated ash plumes that rose as high as 1 km above the crater and drifted 15 km South-west.
Kilauea volcano, Hawaiian Islands, USA (elevation: 1222 m): see also the November 1-2 data.
Kirishimayama volcano, Kyushu, Japan (elevation: 1700 m): see also the November 2 data.
Sabancaya volcano, Peru (elevation: 5960 m): see also the November 1-2 data.
Sinabung volcano, Indonesia (elevation: 2460 m): ash plumes rose 3-5 km and drifted East-southeast.
Suwanosejima volcano, Ryukyu Islands, Japan (elevation: 796 m): plumes rose 1.5 km and drifted North-west and West.
Ulawun volcano, New Britain, Papua New Guinea (elevation: 2334 m): ash plumes rose to an altitude of 3 km and drifted North-northeast (an other report noted only vapor emissions).

19:10 UTC Bz deflected to a weak, but sustained, southward orientation.
16:51 UTC magnitude 5.5 submarine quake 10 km depth 118 km East-southeast of Tadine, New Caledonia. See also seismotectonics of the Eastern margin of the Australia Plate
03:27 UTC magnitude 5.6 submarine quake 10 km depth 98 km East-southeast of Tadine, New Caledonia. See also seismotectonics of the Eastern margin of the Australia Plate
Very low solar activity; the Sun remained spotless.
Solar wind is flowing from a southern low latitude recurrent coronal hole located -4-6 - -2-4 South - northwest. Its speeds increased from 290 km/s to a peak of around 425 km/s.
Phi angle predominantly oriented in the negative sector.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux was at moderate levels.
Total magnetic field strength between 4-14 nT due to the high speed stream that passed south of the Earth.
The geomagnetic field was quiet to unsettled.
Agung volcano, Bali, Indonesia (elevation: 2995 m): see also the November 1 data.
Dukono volcano, Halmahera, Indonesia (elevation: 1229 m): ash plumes rose to altitudes of 2 km and drifted North-northeast.
Ebeko volcano, Paramushir Island, Russia (elevation: 1103 m): see also the November 1 data.
Fuego volcano, Guatemala (elevation: 3763 m): increased tremor activity. Explosions - 6-8 per hour - generated ash plumes that rose 1 km above the crater and drifted 15 km West.
Kilauea volcano, Hawaiian Islands, USA (elevation: 1222 m): see also the November 1 data
Kirishimayama volcano, Kyushu, Japan (elevation: 1700 m): activity at Shinmoe peak continued to be slightly elevated: white plumes rose 300-400 m above the crater rim.
Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico (elevation: 5426 m): see also the November 1 data.
Sabancaya volcano, Peru (elevation: 5960 m): see also the November 1 data.
Sheveluch volcano, Central Kamchatka, Russia (elevation: 3283 m): explosions generated ash plumes that rose 8 km and drifted Northeast.
Sinabung volcano, Indonesia (elevation: 2460 m): ash plumes rose 3-5 km and drifted East.

Stromboli volcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy (elevation: 924 m):
at 21:29 a 3-minute-long explosive sequence began in southern crater area which ejected coarse pyroclastic material in the direction of Pizzo Sopra la Fossa, and produced a dense ash plume that quickly dissipated to the South.
02:23 UTC magnitude 6.6 submarine quake - 17 km depth - 99 km East of Tadine, New Caledonia. See also seismotectonics of the Eastern margin of the Australia Plate
00:09 UTC magnitude 6.1 submarine quake - 16 km depth - 107 km East of Tadine, New Caledonia. See also seismotectonics of the Eastern margin of the Australia Plate
The Moon is waxing full.
Very low solar activity. The sunspot number is zero.
Solar wind is flowing from a negative polarity southern coronal hole located -4-4 - -2-2 direction South-Northwest.
The solar wind speed increased gradually from 280 km/s to about 320 km/s.
The IMF Bt fluctuated between 3 nT and 10 nT. The Bz component of IMF fluctuated between +6 nT and -5nT.
The geomagnetic field was quiet
Agung volcano, Bali, Indonesia (elevation: 2995 m): white plumes rose as high as 500 m above the crater rim. The exclusion zones remained at 6-7,5 km.
Cleveland volcano, Chuginadak Island, USA (elevation: 1730 m): a lava flow in the crater.
Dukono volcano, Halmahera, Indonesia (elevation: 1229 m): ash plumes rose to altitudes of 2 km and drifted North.
Ebeko volcano, Severo-Kurilsk (Paramushir Island), Russia (elevation: 1103 m): about 7 km East from Ebeko explosions generated ash plumes that rose as high as 2 km.
Kilauea volcano, Hawaiian Islands, USA (elevation: 1222 m): the lava lake continued to rise, fall, and spatter in Overlook crater. Incandescence within Pu'u 'O'o Crater. The lava flow continued to enter the ocean at Kamokuna. Surface lava flows were active above and on the pali, and on the coastal plain.
Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico (elevation: 5426 m): emissions, some of which contained ash. Crater incandescence was noted almost nightly.
Sabancaya volcano, Peru (elevation: 5960 m): seismicity, signals indicating emissions. Gas-and-ash plumes rose 3.8 km above the crater rim and drifted 40 km North, North-east, and East. Thermal anomalies. The public should not to approach the crater within a 12-km radius.
Sheveluch volcano, Central Kamchatka, Russia (elevation: 3283 m): a thermal anomaly was identified.
Suwanosejima volcano, Ryukyu Islands, Japan (elevation: 796 m): plumes rose 1.5 km and drifted North-west. 


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