United States - Egyesült Államok
(January 20, 2017) White House issues: An America First Energy Plan America First Foreign Policy Bringing Back Jobs And Growth Making Our Military Strong Again Standing Up For Our Law Enforcement Community Trade Deals Working For All Americans (Source: WhiteHouse): http://tinyurl.com/hrgw68d
January 20, 2017 All references to ‘climate change’ deleted from White House website at noon today just as President Trump was sworn in. (Source: ClimateDepot)
2017. I. 20. Kivonul a Csendes-óceáni Partnerség nevű kereskedelmi megállapodás (TTP) tárgyalásaiból az új amerikai kormányzat, és eltökélt az Észak-amerikai Szabadkereskedelmi Megállapodás (NAFTA) újratárgyalásában - olvasható a Fehér Ház honlapján, amely Trump elnöki beiktatása után teljesen megújult. Új, kemény és méltányos alkukkal a nemzetközi kereskedelmet az amerikai gazdasági növekedésre használhatja fel Washington, amivel több millió munkahelyet teremthetnek az Egyesült Államokban – áll a dokumentumban. Az új amerikai kormány támogatja az olaj- és földgázszektor újraélesztését, ami növelni fogja a kormány bevételeit, amelyeket pedig utak, iskolák, hidak és az állami infrastruktúra újraépítésére használnak majd fel. A dokumentum hozzátette, hogy az olcsóbb energia kedvező hatást fog gyakorolni a mezőgazdaságra is. Trump elnök 25 millió munkahelyet tervez teremteni a következő évtizedben, és évente 4 százalékos gazdasági növekedést tűzött ki céljául. A Trump-kormányzat külpolitikáját felvázoló dokumentum “az erő révén fenntartott béke” elvét helyezte kilátásba. Elsődleges céljaként az iszlám állam és más szélsőséges iszlamista csoportok legyőzését nevezte meg. Az új kormány kilátásba helyezte az amerikai hadsereg újjáépítését és megerősítését. Trump korszerű rakétavédelmi rendszert szándékozik kifejleszteni az Iránból és Észak-Koreából indított esetleges támadások ellen, és fejleszteni igyekszik az Egyesült Államok védelmi és támadó képességét a kiber-biztonság terén. (Forrás: MTI)
012017 Billionaire Soros has ties to more than 50 ‘partners’ of the Women’s March on Washington. The Guardian has touted the “Women’s March on Washington” as a “spontaneous” action for women’s rights. Another liberal media outlet, Vox, talks about the “huge, spontaneous groundswell” behind the march. On its website, organizers of the march are promoting their work as “a grassroots effort” with “independent” organizers. Some 403 groups are “partners” of the march. Soros has funded, or has close relationships with, at least 56 of the march’s “partners,” including “key partners” Planned Parenthood, which opposes Trump’s anti-abortion policy, the National Resource Defense Council, which opposes Trump’s environmental policies, MoveOn.org (which was fiercely pro-Clinton), the National Action Network. Other Soros grantees who are “partners” in the march are the American Civil Liberties Union, Center for Constitutional Rights, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. “Women’s March” partners include the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which has not only deflected on issues of Islamic extremism post-9/11, but opposes Muslim reforms that would allow women to be prayer leaders and pray in the front of mosques, without wearing headscarves as symbols of chastity. Partners also include the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which wrongly designated Nawaz, a Muslim reformer, an “anti-Muslim extremist” in a biased report released before the election. Soros funded its “anti-Muslim extremists” report targeting Nawaz. Another Soros grantee and march “partner” is the Arab-American Association of New York. At least 33 of the 100 “women of color,” who initially protested the Trump election in street protests, worked at organizations that receive Soros funding, in part for “black-brown” activism. Of course, Soros is an “ideological philanthropist,” whose interests align with many of these groups, but he is also a significant political donor. In Davos, he told reporters that Trump is a “would-be dictator.” The “Women’s March” is an extension of strategic identity politics that has so fractured America today, from campuses to communities. On the left or the right, it’s wrong. (Source: TheNewYorkTimes)
January 20, 2017 Trump inauguration speech (text, video) / Source: RealClearPolitics/: http://tinyurl.com/j7wu74k
20 January 2017 The old order is passing away. Treaties and alliances dating from the Cold War are ceasing to be relevant and cannot long be sustained. Economic patriotism and ethnonationalism, personified by Trump, seem everywhere ascendant. Transnationalism is yielding to tribalism. The existential threat to the West no longer comes from the East, from a Russian army crashing through Poland and Germany and driving for the Elbe and Fulda Gap. The existential threat to the West comes, instead, from the South. The billion-plus peoples of the Maghreb, Middle East and sub-Sahara, whose numbers are exploding. American’s bleeding border is what concerns Americans, not the borders of Estonia, South Korea, Kuwait or the South China Sea. When Trump calls NATO “obsolete,” he is saying that the great threat to the West is not Putin’s recapture of a Crimea that belonged to Russia for 150 years. Kennan himself, the architect of Cold War containment of Stalin’s Russia, admonished us not to move NATO to Russia’s border. Article V of the NATO treaty may require us to treat a Russian move in the Baltic as an attack on the United States. But no sane president will start a war with a nuclear-armed Russia over Estonia. Rather than risk such a war, Ike refused to send a rifle or bullet to the heroic Hungarian rebels in 1956. Painful, but Ike put America first, just as Trump pledged to do. And given the strength of ethnonationalism in Europe, neither the eurozone nor the EU is likely to survive the decade. We should prepare for that day. Notwithstanding Secretary of State-designate Tillerson’s diktat, the United States is not going to force China to vacate the fortified reefs in a South China Sea she claims as her national territory. Stick to that demand, and we best prepare for war. The imperative of the new era is that the great nuclear powers – China, Russia, the United States – not do to each other what Britain, France and Germany did to each other a century ago over a dead archduke. President Trump should build the wall, secure the border, impose tariffs, cut taxes, free up the American economy, bring the factories home, create millions of jobs and keep us out of any new wars. With rare exceptions, wars tend to be fatal to presidencies. (Source: wnd)